Chapter 14 - A Brand New Day

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I woke up early that morning, feeling like I needed to get some exercise and clear my mind, I put on my running clothes and my trainers, I made my way downstairs, it was quiet and I figured I was the only one awake. I plugged in my earphones and put my playlist on, I tucked my phone into my arm band and made my way out to the patio. 

As I stepped out the door, closing it behind me I turned and stopped dead in my tracks, I saw Jason in a pair of shorts and a cut out tank top doing stretches, he heard me come out and turned to look at me "Hey! You going to join me for a run?", slightly stunned by the ice blue eyes glinting in the early morning, I smiled and said, "Yea, sure, sounds like a plan, just go easy on me" I walked towards him and I could smell the warm summer morning radiating from him, I thought of Liv, I am sure she would just sit there sniffing him all day, a smile crossed my face as I pictured that, and Jason cocked his head to the side "Something funny?", I realised I was smiling, shaking my head "No, not really, just thinking about something". "Mhhmmm... let's go!" he stood aside and let me pass, I opened the small gate and walked out onto the sidewalk, it was quiet and the air smelled fresh, "So I see you and my brother didn't kill each other last night" he laughed as we made our way up the hill, "No, we managed to talk, a bit" we started a slow jog and I saw the city lights were still on, it looked beautiful under the glow of the rising sun. Jason's silhouette against the sunrise made me notice how calm his aura was, it looked like he glowed the orange of the sun.

As we made our way further up I could feel a different burn, my legs weren't use to jogging hills like this but he looked so at ease, I managed to keep up, though I think he was taking it really easy for me. "I think we should go to dinner tonight, what do you think?" he turned his head to me and I almost tripped, we what? Dinner? Me and him? "Uhm...." I turned to look at him, and I think he realised I was confused by his question, he smiled and said "Well the three of us, me, you, and my brother. Maybe it will be good to just relax, I have an awesome place in mind", the realisation dawning on me now that he was trying to set me and his brother up, "Yea, yea sure."

We made it to the top and I was in pain, I felt the burning and it felt good, we stood next to each other and I noticed his arms and neck were glistening, in his cut, as he looked out over the hill I looked at his profile, a strong jawline with a slight dark stubble, shining ice blue eyes and his dark straight hair slick to his head from the sweat. I really wished I could take a photo of him right now and send it to Liv, I think she may lick her phone, as the thought popped into my head I smiled, turning to look at the amazing view of the city. The sun was peaking up from the horizon and slowly the lights started going out. It looked like candles being blown out one by one. 

My birthday was coming up soon and I was excited to spend it in LA. We stood quietly and Jason walked towards the boulder closer to the edge of the hill we stood on, he sat down and said "Join me", I went and sat next to him and he put his arm around me. Like a brother would to his little sister, and that's what I felt like. I put my head on his shoulder and for some reason felt safe, he said "Please don't let my brother put you off being here, he can be...." he went quiet for a while and I lifted my head to look at him, as he glanced down and smiled "hard work, he can be hard work, but I have a feeling you can break those walls, there's a lot you obviously don't know and there's probably a lot you have heard, I see the way you look at him and I know how you feel, it's apparent in your eyes." He smiled as he saw my face flush in the heat of the sunrise, but also the flush of him knowing my feelings for his brother. "Look, we will leave it at that for now, as time goes we will talk more, but right now, we have to get back, I have an interview in an hour" We got up and ran down the other side of the hill, it was an awesome feeling watching the city below, as we got closer to the house, he said "Race you!" and I sped up, running downhill was easy, and I managed to pass him a couple times as we got to the gate he sped passed me and stood waiting at the gate, I felt myself not slowing down and I ran right into him, giggling, and he caught me, we laughed and I said "You cheated, your legs are longer than mine!" "Oh hey now! I don't cheat, I just timed it, hahaha" as we stood laughing, the gate opened and I turned and looked into the caramel eyes, there was a fire in them and I stopped laughing immediately. I could imagine what he thought, I was roped in his brothers arm, we were both sweating and laughing, he looked between me and his brother and said "I wont be back till late, don't wait up". Jason stopped laughing and let me go, nodding his head telling me to go inside, I walked in and waited at the wall, I wanted to hear what was being said. Jason went to his brother and said "Dude, relax, we went for a run", the response was exactly as I thought "Oh a run? Looked like a really good run from where I was standing". Jason sounded angry in his reply "Well if you don't have the courage to tell her the truth then don't take it out on me!", the deep rough voice came back "I am not taking it out on you, it seems you and her are getting along very well, why don't you tell her, I can't deal with this right now! I need to fix shit with the company.", I heard a car door slam and I heard the electronic window slide down, Jason said "Dude, just come to dinner tonight, please, no pressure." I heard the car start, "I will think about it" with that he pulled away, I quickly made my way down the stairs, by body shaking as I ran inside the house, I needed a shower. 

Once I closed my bedroom door, I leaned against it, breathing deeply, what on earth was that? I opened my eyes and noticed something on my bed, I walked towards it and saw a note, like the previous one, my hands started shaking and I picked it up, opening it slowly, I breathed deeply and read it, "To clear this up, there is nothing between us, the last note was a mistake. You better forget it. Burn it if you have to", I felt tears burning my eyes, I blinked and everything looked blurry, the words on the note got wet and smudged. I tore up the note and threw it across the room, I felt like screaming. He was so damn infuriating! As I stood there with tears falling down my cheeks, someone knocked on my door, "Charley?" it was Jason, I wiped my face with my tee and walked towards the door, trying to calm myself, I opened the door, he was still in his workout clothes, as soon as he looked at me he knew I had been crying, he stepped into the room and grabbed me in his arms, I put my arms around him and tried to keep from crying.

We stood there for what felt like hours, but it was only a few minutes, "I told you he was hard work", he slowly let me go and cupped my face in his hands, his kissed my forehead and he felt warm, I was so angry at his brother I closed my eyes and just stood there, savouring the feel of his warm soft hands on my face. His smell was all over me now, the warm summer morning smell that I know think of when he is near. He brought my gaze up to his and we looked at each other, I noticed tiny dark blue flecks in his eyes surrounded by the ice blue, his eyes burned into mine, he was so close, his breath was warm. I pulled away from him, I couldn't do this, I turned towards the door and walked onto the balcony, he came up behind me and said, "Don't worry, he pushes people away but he will realise it's a mistake. He has been hurt a lot, so have I, but he finds it harder to see the good in people."

I turned to look at Jason, I wasn't even sure what I wanted to say to him. "I need to get ready for work" and I walked back inside, he followed me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Hey, I am taking you out for dinner tonight, and I won't take no for an answer. See you downstairs" and he left closing my door behind him.

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