Chapter 16 - The Aftermath

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I woke up the next morning and felt like death, as I looked around I was in bed, how did I get here? This didn't make sense, the last thing I remember is sitting outside the music room door crying. Maybe I made it to my room. I looked at the bedside table and saw my phone, and a note, I can't handle any more notes, can I??

I slowly picked it up, expecting the worst, when I saw the words, there was only one word, whiplash, "Saw you on the floor, put you to bed, please take care of yourself", I read it again and it still didn't make sense, from seeing the paper in Jason's car, to seeing the words on the paper none of it made sense, I picked up my phone and looked at the time, it was 6AM, time for a run!

I jumped out of bed and put my workout clothes on, put the playlist on, today I needed time on my own, I walked out my bedroom and made my way downstairs, almost made it, as I stepped out onto the patio, he was there, alone, thank god "Hi" he looked at me and smirked "Sleep should be done on the bed you know" and I knew it was him, "Or on the floor under blankets clearly" I spat back at him and walked away, he ran after me and grabbed my arm, I pulled it away roughly, "Don't you dare touch me!" I looked into his eyes and saw the pain, he finally let me in, I saw the horrible pain inside his soul, this is what Jason meant! 

Within the same second the wall went back up, "Just, please don't be angry" he said, holding onto my arm, my skin burned, I finally felt strong and walked right up to him, "Do NOT touch me again" I hissed at him, our faces so close, he released my arm and grabbed my face, "Stop making me feel this...." he said looking into my eyes, my face was ablaze! I felt the heat and tension between us, our lips were inches apart and I couldn't breath, my body was limp and I was aching for him to just grab me and kiss me, and... well...

He came closer and I closed me eyes, waiting of this lips to touch mine, but he didn't, his voice in my ear "Do not, MAKE me do this" he hissed in my ear and all I wanted was him to take me upstairs. "Do what? Actually be honest about what you feel?" I challenged him, we stood there and our eyes were glued to each other, I felt electric sparks all over my body and felt a burning so deep I didn't know I could walk away from this.

He slowly let go, his lips almost brushed mine and he walked away, I realised he had gone and I ran up the stairs to the street and I closed the gate behind me, and I ran, and ran, and I didn't look back. I got to the top of the hill and just sat there, on the massive boulder and looked out over the city, I picked up a rock and threw it off the edge, as I did it I screamed so loudly I thought everyone in the city would have heard me. I stood for a while longer and as I turned, there he was, the caramel eyes burning into me again, he ran up as well I could tell because he was sweating. He walked towards me and sat down on the boulder, "Hey" he looked at me and I turned, ready to retort my answer when I saw his eyes, the pain was there, apparent, I walked towards him, "Why do you push me away??" I asked, begging him to be honest, he looked so deep into my eyes I stopped breathing for a few seconds "You really want to know?" I nodded, he took so long to answer I didn't think he would, then he said "You scare me, since the day I saw you standing in the dressing room with my sunglasses I wanted to know you, I wanted to..." he stopped, how on earth could he stop there, he wanted to what?????

"You know what, let's leave it there, you joining me?" I said and I held out my hand and waited for the fire, I felt it as soon as his hand touched mine, I felt the heat of the drummers hand and my heart melted, I loved him, of this I was sure. I had never been so sure about anything else before.

We made our way down the hill, hand in hand, as soon as we got in view of the house, there she was, the long brown haired girl, he pulled his hand away and walked passed me, I felt myself break but I stood firm, I wasn't going to let her see me break, he went to her and pulled her around the car as I made my way through the gate. I went straight to my room and sunk to the floor, my back against the door, and before I knew it the tears flowed, it was like a tap had opened and I couldn't turn it off. 

He made his choice and that was obvious, I couldn't compete, I mean look at me, she was a model, I had to figure out a way to get over him, how do you stop loving someone? I knew what I needed, I got up and picked up my phone, I dialled the number, "Yes hi this is Charley Andrews, I need a flight booked for my sister, please reserve a seat from New York to LA, first class and I will call back with the passport number", I hung up and dialled Liv's number "OMG!!!!!" came my reply "Hey Sis, I need your passport number please?" she heard my voice and immediately asked "What did he do??", I smiled "Well, you need to come here, I need to see you, what's you passport number?", Liv gave me her passport number and I told her I would call back, I called the travel agent and gave her the details, she confirmed the flight and I called Liv back immediately "OMG Liv I need to cry, and I mean cry till I can't anymore, I am texting you the flight details, you will be here in three days time, you flying on American Airlines." I heard her gasp and shriek, "OMMMMMGGGG!" I smiled into the phone but for some reason, I still didn't feel as happy as I should have, but I knew I needed my sister there, I had a couple days to get through and she would be here.

I got up and went to the shower, I needed to get ready for work. As I made my way down to work the house was a blaze with activity, but he wasn't there, I went into the office and there was a cup of coffee, black, no sugar, he wasn't there. I picked up my mug and took a sip, it tasted perfect. I looked down and slipped under my keyboard was a note. I picked it up and I read the riddle "The stars come out at night, but do you? Find me where the stars twinkle in our view. ~ S" I looked at the sign and it was the same symbol as the sunglasses, so what could that even mean, this clearly couldn't be Jason, he wouldn't hurt me this way, but why would his brother leave a message like this?

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