IV • Rectum Decidere • Right Decision
"Goodmorning, Miss Y/L/N," Professor Lupin said as I walked into his classroom with a kind smile. "Did you sleep well?"
"Well enough," I said. "How are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Are you ready for day two?"
"Yes, I am," I said and watched as he smiled before rifling through a stack of parchment. "So does this mean that your teasing is done with then?"
"Whatever do you mean, Miss Y/L/N?" he asked, looking up at me with a genuinely confused expression.
"Yesterday," I said, raising my eyebrows.
"Yesterday..." he prompted, watching me with innocent eyes.
"Yesterday, when you were... never mind," I said.
"These are today's lesson plans," Professor Lupin said, holding a paper out to me. "Just some simple book and spell work before next week. I've been told that there's been a Boggart in the castle and I got permission from Dumbledore to use it in a lesson next week. Speaking of, would you be interested in participating with the students when we have the Boggart here?"
"Sure," I said, sitting down in the chair that faced his desk. "When is your first class today?"
"The third years will be here third period and the fifth years will be here sixth period," he said.
"So I've got time for breakfast then?"
"Yes, Miss Y/L/N, you do," he said.
"You can call me Y/N if you'd like," I said as I stood.
"I quite like Miss Y/L/N, if you don't mind."
I frowned. "I suppose that's fine," I said. "I'll be back before third period. Do you want anything for breakfast?"
"No, thank you, but the gesture is very sweet," he said, grinning to himself. I frowned at him before turning on my heel and leaving his classroom.
So I hadn't imagined his behavior then. He had been teasing me.
With a scoff, I continued to the Great Hall, thinking about things that I could have said to Professor Lupin that would have put him in his place. I was not going to be treated like a child the whole year.
"Goodmorning," I said as I approached the teacher's table in the Great Hall. I received a few responses from unfamiliar professors as I looked over the selection of food at the table. I wrinkled my nose as I looked over the choices. Perhaps I was a stereotypical picky American, but the English breakfast did not seem appetizing to me.
"Nothing good?" someone asked from beside me.
"Oh, uh, no, it all looks great," I said. "There's just too many options."
"The kippers are quite nice," one of the professors said and gestured to a sliced fish.
"They certainly look it," I said and cleared my throat.
"The house-elves sometimes have extra things made in the kitchen," the professor said with a smile. "They won't mind you going back there."
"Oh, no, I wouldn't want to bother them, especially when they've already made so much good stuff."
"My dear, you aren't fooling anyone," the professor said and shook her head. "Do you know where the kitchens are?"
"I do," I said, thinking back to my tour of the castle with Professor Lupin.
"Then, go on back there and see if the elves have anything that you might like. If anyone tries to give you any trouble, you just tell them that Professor Sprout sent you."

Ad Infinitum (Remus Lupin X Reader)
Fanfiction• ad infinitum • (adv.) again and again in the same way; forever • ••• "You touch your eyebrow when you're thinking," I said. "And you chew on your lip," he said, meeting my eyes. I looked away quickly. He stood from his chair, walking closer to me...