XLVII • Cras

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XLVII • Cras • Tomorrow

It got to the point where I could tell that Remus was planning something new. It was something in his eyes, a look that told me he was deep in thought.

It was slow at first, a gentle coaxing, softly encouraging me to drop to my knees. New touches, new positions, new ways to keep me still. And it always shocked me when I liked it even more than before. Shocked me when I told Remus that I liked when he held me in place and when he was rough and when he demanded.

It got harder and harder to focus when he was around. It was like he was corrupting me, erasing innocent thoughts from my mind with each new sinful one he introduced.

"Remus," I said, not naive to the look in his eyes.

"Hm?" he hummed, his focused stare not breaking.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhm. Just thinking," he said.

I nodded and chewed on my lip, anxiously trying to anticipate his next move. To guess what he would come up with.

"Have you ever been to Madam Puddifoot's?" he asked suddenly.


"Have you ever been to Madam Puddifoot's?"

"Yeah, I have," I said, blinking in confusion. His eyes were now on mine, completely clear.

"Want to get some tea with me?" he asked.

"Oh, uh, sure."

"I just realized that we've never really gone out together. Not like as a date or anything," he said and shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess you're right," I said and frowned.

"You alright, my love?"

"Yeah, I am. I just... Never mind, actually. Did you want to go now?"

"If you're free," he said.

"Yeah," I said and watched as he smiled.

"I'll be ready in five," he said.

"Me too. You'll come to my room when you're ready?"

"Sure," he said.

I smiled and watched as he slipped into his bathroom, leaving me alone in his bedroom. Once he was gone, I frowned and stood up, slipping out of his bedroom quietly to get ready.

I wasn't sure what to wear. I figured I would be able to get out of the castle without anyone noticing if I ditched my robes, but I opted for a safer route than casual clothes. I wrinkled my nose as I pulled on some of my 'business-casual' attire, straightening my skirt and tucking in my shirt as best as I could.

Although I was expecting it, I jumped when Remus knocked on my door.

"One minute," I called and fumbled for my flats, pulling them on. I grabbed some money and flung the door open, out of breath from rushing to get ready.

"You look very nice," Remus said and took a step back to admire my outfit.

"Business casual to still abide by the dress code," I explained and smiled. It seemed that Remus had the same idea. He had also decided to abandon his robes and instead wore a sweater over a button-up. "You look really, really hot."

He raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?"

"I'm just embracing it now. There's just no other word that adequately describes your appearance," I said and watched as his cheeks colored.

"Well, I suppose that is a compliment," he said and flashed a flustered smile. "Uh, shall we depart?"

"Sure," I said and closed my bedroom door behind me. "Lead the way."

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