XXIV • Gustare Te • Taste You
Thursdays were Harry's days with Remus. After dinner, we would part ways and he would prepare to coach Harry, while I would pass the time grading or practicing my Latin. He would show up to my room later in the night and he would spend the night with me. Most other nights, I stayed in his room.
I got used to our new schedule. Although we didn't have as much time that we could spend together freely, we had the benefit of being together for most of the day. Even while we were working, we were together.
Slowly, Remus lowered the defenses that he had built to hide from me. I learned about his family, his time at Hogwarts, and heard countless stories about the people he had known. He was less tense around me, not quite so evasive about his past or his illness, which he spoke of but never went into detail about. Most of our conversations happened at night in his bed, under the cover of darkness.
Regularly, he asked me to read to him from my books. When he wanted to hear the stories, he preferred the poems because they were shorter and he didn't have to try to figure out things for long before I explained them and, because they were shorter, he never had to interrupt my reading to ask about them. When he was interested in just listening to me read, he liked to hear longer works of literature.
Still, there were some topics that were still sensitive for him. Since the first day that he had touched me, he hadn't done so again. He often let his hands wander, but never far enough. Additionally, he didn't try to discuss anything suggestive.
I didn't mind. I was busy enough that the feeling of desire was often short-lived, and I had to ignore it to get anything done. The more I ignored it, the easier it became. What also made it easier to bear was that I could tell that he was going through something similar, for the effect of his desire was more apparent to the eye, the bulge that grew in his pants that made him have to step away for a break. I learned to ignore it, and he learned to hide it the best he could.
"I think all of the midterms are finished," Remus said as he flipped through the pile that he had collected from the fourth-years.
"Did Oliver manage to finish his?" I asked. "He said he was going to need more time."
"Yes, he did. He came in during lunch to finish it up."
"Great, I can start on grading them," I said.
"They don't need them back right away," Remus said.
"Don't they?" I asked.
"No, they don't," he said.
"Well," I said and raised my eyebrows, "the short answer questions will take a while to grade, so they won't be getting them right away even if I were to begin grading them now."
"Well, yes, of course," he said. "However, I'm sure the students could wait an extra day."
"I'm sure," I said.
"So, we should do something else," he said.
"I'm afraid I'm not entirely convinced," I said and stood to take the papers from his hands. "I'll get started on these."
"Miss Y/L/N," he reasoned, "the students would want you to take a break."
"Would they?" I asked, unconvinced and only half-listening, as I began grading.
"Are you going to make me beg you?" he asked, setting his hands on my desk.
"Now, that sounds convincing," I said with a smile, still focusing on grading. From my peripherals, I saw him round the desk. I gasped as he pulled my chair back, watching as ink blotted onto a student's exam. I muttered an incantation to lift the ink and watched as he dropped to his knees before me, my eyebrows raised.

Ad Infinitum (Remus Lupin X Reader)
Fanfiction• ad infinitum • (adv.) again and again in the same way; forever • ••• "You touch your eyebrow when you're thinking," I said. "And you chew on your lip," he said, meeting my eyes. I looked away quickly. He stood from his chair, walking closer to me...