XLVIII • Mendacium

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XLVIII • Mendacium • Lies

I leaned close to my mirror, making sure I looked okay. The day before, I had done my best to leave Remus hanging as he had done with me. As much as I enjoyed all of the experimentation we had been doing, I noticed that he always held some sort of control. That I was the one who was kept on the edge of my release, that I was the one being tied up, and that I was the one who blindly obeyed everything that he asked of me.

Was it a crime to want to play the other side?

I chewed on my lip anxiously as my heart pounded in my chest. Would Remus pretend it never happened or was he waiting for me to show up? Would he let me know if I affected him? Or would he hide it to reclaim control?

I blew out a deep breath and shook my head, trying to get out of my head. There was no point in trying to predict the unpredictable; Remus had already proved that much to me.

I slipped out of my room quietly and walked down the Serpentine Corridor, trying to steady my racing heart. I was terrified and excited, and the combination had my entire body trembling with anticipation. I was sure Remus would see it the moment I walked into his classroom, that I had dropped my tough facade and was back to the trusting, submissive woman he was used to. But I had had my fun with him, and that was all that mattered to me. I gave him a small taste of his own medicine, and the thought of that was sweet enough to please me.

I opened the door to his classroom quietly and saw him hunched over his desk, staring at a piece of parchment intently, his green eyes roving over the paper hungrily. The sound of the door closing caught his attention, and his eyes flew to me.

"Miss Y/L/N," he greeted, his voice thick with ersatz composure. It almost satisfied me, almost distracted me from the hands, which were swiftly folding the parchment and tucking it away. "I trust you had a nice night?"

"An excellent one, thank you," I said, my eyes following the parchment as it disappeared into his desk. "Am I interrupting?"

"No, you could never," he said, shutting the drawer of his desk. His voice was guarded and the sound of the drawer slamming shut held a sense of finality. "I've actually been waiting for you."

"Have you?" I asked, a smile pulling at my lips as I tried to force away the image of his hastily shoving the parchment away. "What for?"

"You did promise you would come to see me tomorrow, did you not?"

"I don't recall now," I said and frowned. "Did I mention what for?"

"No, but I had some ideas," he said and stood from his desk, walking over to me.

Remus trailed his hand down my arm until his fingers snagged against my wrist.

"You surprised me yesterday," he said, pulling my hand toward him and setting my palm against his chest. His heartbeat was strong and steady even as mine pounded in my chest. "You still manage to surprise me after all these months."

"How else can I keep you from getting bored of me?" I asked as he tugged me against him, our stomachs pressing together. I had to crane my neck to see his face, where his lips were turning up into a small smile.

"I could never bore of you," he said, running his fingers through my hair to push it away from my face. "You know that."

I let my lips ghost over his chin as I looked up at him. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine roughly, immediately catching my bottom lip between his teeth. One of his hands was tangled into my hair and the other pressed against the small of my back, holding me close to him. He released my lip and kissed me again, turning us around and pushing me over to his desk. His hand left my hair to caress the back of my thigh as he stooped to lift me onto his desk.

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