XLIV • Luna

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XLIV • Luna • Moon

A smile broke out on my face as I heard Remus's bedroom door open.

"Ready?" he asked, his voice hushed.

I nodded and stood. Remus opened his classroom door for me, following closely behind me. The corridors were empty and silent, our footsteps the only sounds in the dawn.

With a yawn, Remus held his arm out to me, which I graciously accepted. The allure of holding his arm when we walked was unbeknownst to me, but very pleasant nonetheless.

"Tired?" I asked, fighting back my own yawn stemming from contagion alone.

"Perhaps a bit," he said and smiled, starting down the staircase. "It's quite early, isn't it?"

"The sight of the sky will be well worth it," I said. "There is no time of day better."

"Not even in the afternoon, when the sunlight is so warm it seems to be made of honey?" he asked, a soft lilt in his voice.

"Hm. That could be the twilight's greatest competition."

"I suppose any time of day spent with you has the potential to be the best time of day," he said.

"I wonder if there will ever be a time of day immune to your flattery," I responded, but felt my cheeks growing warm. He chuckled softly. "I'm glad we finally got to come out here together."

"As am I," he responded and placed his hand over mine. "Where's your favorite place to be when you watch the sunrise?"

"By the lake," I said.

"Is that so?"

"I've had quite the affinity for it ever since you first brought me there."

"Then I'm glad to have shared it."

I shrunk into myself as we stepped out of the castle and into the brisk morning. "Oh, wow," I said and leaned into him. "It's cold out this morning."

"You'll have to stay close then. Shame," he said and clicked his tongue, a smile growing on his face.

I shook my head and led him to the lake, immediately sitting in my usual spot.

"Isn't the grass wet?" he asked, hesitating.

"A bit of morning dew never hurt anyone," I said and watched as he lowered himself on the ground, his nose wrinkling. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Like what? The sun hasn't even risen yet."

"And already there's so much to appreciate," I said. "Have you even looked at the sky yet?"

"Can you blame me for keeping my eye on something even more beautiful than the sky?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

"Well, how could you possibly even know that if you don't look at the sky?" I said and frowned.

Remus made a show of leaning back onto his arms and gazing into the sky, letting his eyes wander across the span of dark purple.

"Isn't it pretty?" I asked, eager for his approval.

"Almost as pretty as you are," he said and leaned forward to peck a kiss on my nose.

"The Latin word," I said, ignoring his flirting, "is diluculum, or daybreak."

"Tell me more," he hummed and leaned in close to me, brushing his lips over my jaw.

"What else... what else is there to tell?" I asked, tilting my head as he began to place kisses on my neck, his lips caressing my skin gently.

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