XXXVII • Praeteritum

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XXXVII Praeteritum The Past

"Imps," Remus began, "are relatively harmless creatures native to Ireland and Great Britain."

I set my chin in my hand, watching him instruct through lazy eyes. I wished it was the weekend; that way, our morning wouldn't have had to end so quickly.

"They are related to pixies, which, as you may recall, we went over last week. They're about the same height as pixies. Can anyone tell me how tall that is?"

"Fifteen to twenty centimeters," a student supplied. I turned my attention back to grading.

"Perfect, thank you. Just like the pixie, imps are about fifteen to twenty centimeters tall. However, imps cannot fly, nor are they brightly colored like pixies. Imps have a greyish skin tone and glowing yellow eyes.

"As I've mentioned, they're not necessarily dangerous, but they do enjoy mischief. They're known for tripping and pushing those who aren't paying attention, and they enjoy throwing small objects- particularly wizard crackers- at people."

I stifled a yawn behind my hand.

"Am I boring you, Miss Y/L/N?" Remus asked. I jumped in my seat at the mention of my name, looking up at him. A teasing grin graced his features.

"No, not at all, sorry," I said, listening as the students giggled.

"Rough morning?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow, smiling as the students' laughter intensified.

"No, I had a rather nice morning," I said, watching as the corner of his mouth twitched. "Would you like me to share?"

"No," he said quickly, his eyes going wide with shock. "No, that's quite alright. We've got a lot to get through today."

I smiled at him and listened as he continued his lecture. I picked at the vane of my quill absently, deep in thought. I heard snippets of the lesson through my thoughts.

"They live in marshes and eat primarily insects... an incident back at Zonko's a while back... drop them in a hole, and voila-"

"I believe that should wrap things up," Professor Lupin said and nodded. "Tomorrow, I'll be bringing in an Imp for us to observe. We'll be keeping it for a couple of days before we release it, but we'll get to see him eat and try to play some tricks.

"Unfortunately, I'll be out on Friday, but Miss Y/L/N will be here. She's going to be teaching you new material, so make sure you bring everything you'd need for a normal class. However, you won't need to bring your textbooks."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Any questions?" he asked, looking around the room. "Alright, no homework tonight. You'll have an essay about Imps assigned tomorrow if you'd like to get a headstart. Have a nice day."

He watched as the students filed out of the door with his hands on his hips.

"You're out on Friday?" I asked, scratching my head.

"I think you were right," he said and shrugged his shoulders. "Since the full moon is coming so early, I think I might as well take the day off to rest."

"Oh, sure. I guess I didn't realize the full moon was so close."

"It comes quickly," he said and nodded.

"What did you want me to teach?" I asked.

"Spell etymology," he said.


"Why are you what-ing me?"

"Etymology?" I asked.

"Mhm, unless you'd rather-"

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