XVIII • Pater

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XVIII • Pater • Father

The next couple of weeks passed in a blur, the mornings filled with classes and grading, and the evenings filled with a lot of kissing. It had been almost a month since Lupin had kissed me after his illness, several months since our first kiss. More and more, I found myself growing frustrated by the kisses. Instincts told me how to solve my frustrations, but I could never bring myself to do it myself, and Lupin didn't seem all that eager to participate.

Lupin, as he had predicted, fell ill around the end of November, and I covered his classes for a couple of days. I tried to stick to the material as best as I could, and I even managed to create a practical lesson out of some gnomes that Filch had found in the courtyard, although they weren't in the curriculum for all of the classes.

As the holidays neared, I convinced Lupin to let me decorate his classroom, where I hung festive lights and put up a tree, encouraging students to make ornaments for extra credit. By the time break started, the tree was covered in paper ornaments and other oddities students had managed to add a hook to.

I had arranged a date for my father to meet me at Hogsmeade, the day that the students were to go to Hogsmeade before the break. Unfortunately, the weather proved to be disagreeable, and I had to fight through what was practically a blizzard to find my dad.

"Hey, dad," I greeted as I spotted my father in the crowd.

"Y/N, how are you?" he asked and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "How's the new job treating you?"

"It's all really good," I said and smiled. "Do you mind if we get out of the snow?"

"Good idea," he said and let me lead him into the Three Broomsticks, where I ordered a couple of warm butterbeers.

"Here," I said and handed him one. "They're really sweet."

"Tell me about the job. You sick of the brats yet?"

"No, I'm not," I said and took a sip from my glass. "I love Hogwarts and I love the students."

"Give it a couple years," he muttered and tried the butterbeer, wrinkling his nose. "Don't they have anything stronger here?"

"Well, yes," I said and chewed on my lip.

"I'll be back," he said and stood, marching over to the counter with the butterbeer in hand. I sighed and watched him.

I jumped when I felt a hand settle between my shoulder blades.

"Miss Y/L/N, a pleasure to see you, as always."

"Professor Lupin," I said, smiling up at him. "I didn't know you'd be down here."

"I figured it would do me some good to get out of the castle," he said, hovering beside my chair. "What are you doing all alone?"

"I'm actually meeting with my dad," I said and inclined my head toward my father, who was leaning over the counter to flirt with Madam Rosmerta. "Would you believe me if I told you my father and my brother both pulled the same moves on her?"

"I'd believe anything you told me," he said and followed my gaze. "Is he going to come back?"

"I honestly don't know," I said and shook my head as I watched him. "Do you want to sit with us? I'll get you a drink."

"I wouldn't want to overstep," he said.

"You wouldn't be," I said. "It's up to you, though. He's a lot to handle."

"I should probably-"

"Who's this?" my father asked as he returned to the table, looking Lupin up and down.

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