XXXV • Amor

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XXXV • Amor • Love

"Miss Y/L/N, why do we have to learn about gnomes? Everyone already knows about them," one of the seventh years grumbled. "I'm pretty sure everyone here has had them at their house."

"That's not necessarily true," I said. "What about muggleborns? Gnomes only infest wizards' gardens."

"Well, it doesn't matter. It's still stupid," the boy grumbled.

"It'll be helpful one day when you're absolutely infested with the things," I said. "You know what you'll do when you get your first infestation?"


"You'll think back to the super awesome and cool and funny teacher's assistant who taught you how to get rid of them and think, 'that was the life'. You won't even know how awesome I am until you have to go more than a week without seeing me," I said.

The boy scoffed and looked between Remus and me. "Do I have to do this project?"

"Yes," Remus answered. "Get to work. Miss Y/L/N has things to do as well."

I wrinkled my nose at Remus and returned to my work, smiling when the student groaned dramatically. I did my best to focus on my work, but all I wanted to do was talk to the students. It was one of my major downfalls; I always wanted to talk to the kids, especially the older kids who were all deciding what they wanted to do after school. Remus, on the other hand, was a believer in silent work time, which was understandable and respectable, sure, but I got bored sitting in silence.

I tapped my fingers on my desk as I read through a sixth year's essay, my mind wandering. I looked up at the clock and sighed quietly when I saw that there were still twenty minutes of class left. I glanced over at Remus and saw him leaning back in his chair, one of his long legs crossed over the other. He was twisting his wand in his hands, inspecting its body intently.

I decided that he was more interesting than my work and watched him instead, the way his fingers moved as he spun the wand, tendons flexing beneath his pale skin.

My stomach flipped and I felt a rush of heat between my legs.

That was new.

With cheeks burning, I ducked my head down, feeling a pulse form between my legs. I was used to it happening when we were kissing or when he was flirting, but to have it happen just from looking at him? It felt wholly unfair. I risked another look at him. He glanced up at me and raised an eyebrow. I looked away, my eyes wide.

There were only fifteen minutes left. I could handle fifteen minutes. I just couldn't look at him. Or think about him. Or think about how hot he looked and what it felt like when he kissed me, especially when he kissed my neck. God, it had been over a month since he had done that, and I missed it-

I buried my head in my hands, trying to force the thoughts away. I shouldn't be thinking about him when there was a class happening, even if I did miss the way his stubble scraped on my skin and the way he threaded his hands into my hair.

"I'll be right back," I muttered to him as I stood.

"Where're you going?" he asked.


"You can use mine," he said quietly, nodding his head toward his bedroom door.

"No, that's fine. I'll only be a moment."

He narrowed his eyes at me before nodding. I hurried out of the classroom and to the bathrooms on the opposite side of the hall.

I leaned over one of the sinks and splashed cold water onto my face, hoping it would cool my cheeks down. Christ, he hadn't even done anything and I was overheating.

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