VII • Ludere

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VII • Ludere • To Play With

The only noise in the classroom was the scratching of quills on parchment. Professor Lupin was focused on an essay, fingers running over the scar on his eyebrow.

"Would you accept this?" I asked quietly, pushing the paper across his desk so that he could read the student's response.

"Maybe give half-credit," he said. "And make a note in the margin about what the full answer would be."

I nodded and complied, writing down an explanation on the side of the question. After a few seconds, I looked up, finding Professor Lupin looking at me.


"Nothing," he said, returning his attention to his paper. I furrowed my eyebrows and continued grading. I was soon interrupted again when Lupin asked, "Are you bored?"

"No," I answered immediately. He raised his eyebrows. "Maybe a little bit."

"Do you want to take a break?"

"We should probably finish these," I said and gestured to the pile of ungraded papers on his desk.

"Is that a 'no'?"



"What do you want to do?"

"Would you go on a walk with me?" he asked.

"A short one, and then we have to finish these," I said, standing up. He did the same, stretching his arms over his head, revealing a strip of pale skin under his shirt. I looked away quickly.

"Deal," he said.

Professor Lupin led me out of his classroom and through the corridors until we were outside of the castle.

"This isn't the courtyard," I said.

"I figured you probably haven't been to the lake yet and I think you should see it before it freezes over," he said and shrugged his shoulders.

He led me down a path to a lake. It was beautiful in the afternoon sunlight, which glinted off of the water. Apricus, full of sunlight.

"Here it is," he said and spread his arms wide. "The Black Lake."

"This is really nice," I said, venturing closer to the edge and peeking into the dark water. The wind blew off the lake, making me shiver. "Do people swim in it?"

"Some who don't mind the cold," he said and looked across the water. "I personally couldn't imagine doing it, but I know people who have."

"Maybe in the summer," I said and shrugged, crouching down at the bank and running my fingers across the water, which was frigid. I wiped my hand off on my pants and wandered along the edge of the lake.

"Are you cold?" Lupin asked as another gust of wind had me shivering.

"A little," I said.

"Here," he said, shrugging his robes off and draping them across my shoulders. They were warm from his body heat, and I was immediately enveloped in Lupin's scent.

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that," I said and made to take them off.

"It's okay," he said, "really. I should have warned you I was taking you out here. The wind off the lake can get cold this time of year."

"Are you sure, Professor?"

"I'm sure," he said. Looking back at him, he seemed comfortable enough in a sweater.

"If you start to get cold, you can have it back," I said.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "We should probably head back anyway so we can finish grading before dinner."

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