"Promise me you won't forget me"

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Scott struggled to move, and he couldn't see much either. He didn't know exactly what happened all he knew was that the wall in front of them had exploded. And judging by how much debris was around him, a good amount of the compound must've blown up as well. 

He took a mini-flashlight from his suit and enlargened it. It was one of the items that Hank had put in the suit for emergencies. 

"Can anybody hear me?" He called through the radio. Static was the only response. 

Then he realized something, Hope wasn't there. 

Scott had gotten buried by some rubble in a hollow area. So he was fine and mostly unharmed, but he couldn't see Hope anywhere. "Hope?" He called over their private radio channel. 

He expected to hear static again, but instead, he heard, "Is anyo- ther-?" It was her. 

"Hope, I'm here! Can you hear me?" He didn't get a response. 

He started digging through the rubble, and eventually, he made it to another hollow space. "Hope?" He called. "Is an-yone ther-e? I n-ed he-p! I'm stuck!" He could barely hear her, but the signal was better, so he must've been close. On the other hand, she couldn't hear him at all. 

"The water is co-ming in fa-ster!" Even though he knew that she couldn't hear him, he still tried to comfort her, on the off chance she could hear him. "Hang on, I'm coming."  

He knew she couldn't hear him, but it was worth a shot. He kept moving forward and digging through more debris. "If anyone can hear me, please hurry! The water is rising and I can't shrink!" He heard her yell through the radio. She sounded like she was scared or in pain. 

He kept going until he heard the sound of rushing water. "Hope, can you hear me? I think I know where you are." He said. No response. "She still can't hear me..." He sighed. 

He shrunk and was able to get through the wall of debris. When he made it to the other side, he grew to full size and saw that the hollowed-out space was filling with water, fast. He took off his helmet so that he could get a better look at what was around him. 

"Hope?" He called. He looked around, but he couldn't see her anywhere. Then he saw metal gleaming against his flashlight. The metal of Hope's helmet. "Hope!" He made his way over to her and took her helmet off. Her eyes were closed, but she was still breathing. Almost her entire body was covered with debris, and she was most likely not getting enough oxygen. 

"Hope, come on!" He said, shaking her gently. "Scott..." She groaned weakly. "It's me, don't worry, I'll get you out of this." 

"I can barely breathe." She said, gasping for air. "I know, I know, just try to relax." 

He grew a few feet taller and started moving huge bulks of rubble off of her. But every time he did, the hollow they were in grew more unstable. He shrunk back down to normal size and tried to get her out without making the top of the hollow cave in on them. 

"Scott, it's no use. Just go!" 

"No, I can get you out, I know I can." 

He lifted another huge piece of rubble off her, and that seemed to do the trick. She was out. But when she tried to stand up, she cried out in pain. "I think my leg might be broken." She said through clenched teeth, her face tight with pain. She was leaning against the wall of rubble. The water was still rising, and now it was up to their ankles. 

"How are we going to get out of here?" 

"We'll find a way." 

The wall that she was leaning against crumbled, almost taking her down with it. Luckily, Scott caught her in time. The water was now up to their knees. "Scott, I'm scared." She admitted shakily. She was always so level-headed, but this had really shaken her up. "You don't have to be. I promise I'll get you out of here."  

But their situation was looking extremely grim. The water was now up to their waists, and it was just coming in faster. "I could try to shrink the wall, then we could get out." He suggested. "Then the rest of the debris would fall on us before we could even move." She said. She was always the logical one as well. The water was almost up to their chests. 

"Hope, I want you to know that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that back in the med-bay, and I shouldn't have tried to jump. You know I love you, I just don't want to see you get hurt." 

Now seemed like a good time to apologize, considering what was about to happen. 

"I'm glad we got to talk before..." She didn't want to finish the sentence, but he knew what she was trying to say. The water was now up to their shoulders. 

"One last time?" She nodded, teary-eyed. As the water kept rising, they had one last kiss. 

And just as the water was about to go over their necks, "Hope, promise me you won't forget me." Scott said. She looked at him, confused, but then he put her helmet back on her. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, panic evident in her voice. He didn't respond. He took out a red shrinking disc and threw it at the wall beside them. As the wall shrunk, Scott pushed her through, just before the cave collapsed. 

She landed a few feet from the damage, and onto the grass outside. "Scott, no!" She yelled. She tried to get up but cried out from the pain shooting up her leg. She muscled through the discomfort and crawled to the pile of debris. "No!" She cried. 

There was no way he survived that. He was gone. 

She clawed at the rubble, trying to dig through. But to no avail. Or so she thought. She did make a small dent in the mountain, but she was so clouded by grief, that she didn't even notice. None of that mattered to her. Scott was gone, all because he saved her. 

Tears ran down her face and within seconds, she fell back to the floor crying. She couldn't even move if she tried. She was weighed down by immense grief and loss, but her leg was hurting even more now. And she could see that she was bleeding. 

Why did he do that for her? She would rather be with him in death than be torn from him in life. 

"He was such a selfless idiot!" Thinking about him in past tense just made things worse. Her crying continued, and every time she looked up at the wreckage, it just deepened her grief. 

Then she remembered the dream she had the night before. She had seen her and her dad arguing, she saw her and Scott fighting together, and she had seen Scott, dead, under a pile of wreckage. 

"...it's just a nightmare, it doesn't mean anything..." She had believed Nat's words, but the dream came true. 

Scott was dead, under a pile of wreckage. This made her cry even harder. She could've stopped it. If she just hadn't gone on that stupid mission, Scott would still be alive. 

                                                                           Author's Note

 Don't be mad at me! Things are not as they seem. Remember what I did with the Vormir situation? Yeah. So don't lose hope yet.

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