Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 I was hurt, I need to find the police uncle! ...

    Done! Everyone present couldn't bear to turn their heads and closed their eyes, as if they had seen the picture of Hua Shiman's face being smashed.

    However, Hua Shiman's terrified scream did not sound at the scene, but the sound of "brush" swept through the air, and the wind blew Ji Zhe's forehead, revealing his bright and slightly bald brain door, followed by a cracking sound. The sound of eggs and stones falling to the ground.

    In the live broadcast room, the audience was stunned to see Hua Shiman's quick movements to take off the clothes draped over his shoulders and toss, sweeping away the flying hidden weapon, and drape the clothes back to his shoulders handsomely and neatly.

    At the same time, the rose bushes on the side grew rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, a green net formed in front of Hua Shiman, separating her from the others, and bright red flowers bloomed.

    The fiery red rose without a hint of gray is a rose produced by a wood-type power user without being polluted by gray toxin.

    Audience: Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast!

    Even the attackers were stunned, and they picked up the remaining egg stones in the bag and tried to smash them again, but the next moment they were bound by the rose vines, and if they struggled a little, the rose thorns would hurt their lives!

    There are even cold branches wrapped around their necks, like snakes, as if they could kill them if they tightened!

    The attackers' faces were all white, and they knew it was impossible, but they still felt fear. There was always a sense of crisis that this vine could really kill them.

    Hua Shi walked towards a few people, his movements were slow and slow, and Rose opened the way automatically, quite like the Queen's presence.

    She stopped in front of the attackers and looked at them with her eyelids down.

    The eyes are condescending and indifferent.

    "You bitch, what kind of clothes are you wearing, it's best to stay away from Jiuning, otherwise it will make you look good! Bah!" A non-mainstream girl with smoky makeup shouted sternly, and spit at Hua Shiman. .

    But the next second, an oversized rose leaf stuck on her face with a "pia" sound, blocking the drool back.

    Non-mainstream girls: "... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" If you have the ability to let me go, I will scratch your face!

    Five young men and women, all of whom looked to be in their teens, stared at Hua Shiman with bad eyes.

    Hua Shiman tucked the hair on his temples behind his ears, folded his arms and said nothing, just looked at them indifferently.

    Is this the modern brain dump? Young people who don't study hard, come to chase stars, even if they chase after stars, they still become idiots. If this is in the end of the world... tsk!

    Non-mainstream girl: "..." Why did she see the look of a strict old mother in Hua Shiman's eyes? Is it because the flower mother called too much?

    [Fuck, Hua's mother's action of throwing clothes just now was too sassy! 】

    【I knelt and read that paragraph five times! 】

    【Ah, ah, ah, wood-type ability user, what kind of strength is this to instantly give birth to roses! 】

    【Why didn't the stone hit Hua Mama's face, it's a pity...]

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