Chapter 71

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Chapter 71 I Like Your Gift

    Hua Shiman and Feng Yan walked towards the beach.

    Having experienced the baptism of the last days, people in this world not only attach importance to life, but also attach great importance to environmental protection. The sea water in the coastal waters is crystal clear and there is no marine debris.

    There are also many conch shells and seashells on the reefs on the shore, and there are small fish with slender fingers swimming in some deeper puddles.

    However, she didn't see the big fish that could be grilled and eaten like Hua Shiman imagined. She turned over a few rocks and found a few small sea crabs, but they were too small to catch.

    "Hey, the grilled fish is gone." Hua Shi looked at the sea with his cheeks raised. The temperature here is 20 to 30 degrees, so it is not too cold to go into the water, but for the safety of the guests, the program team does not allow them to go into the water.

    A wave hit, and the traces that Hua Shiman had been rummaging on the beach just now were washed away, leaving a few small shrimps jumping around on the shore, and a seabird swooped and caught the food that was delivered to the door.

    "Look there, is there something?" Feng Yan asked, pointing to a place not far away and closer to the sea.

    Hua Shiman looked in the direction of his fingers, and the beach there was washed by the sea, revealing some blackness, and there seemed to be something buried underneath.

    "Go and have a look." Hua Shiman raised his head and trotted over.

    Peel off the sand on the surface to reveal the hidden box below. The box is quite large, about 20 inches, with the logos of HUA and Ronghua printed on the surface.

    "The Chef's Treasure Chest," Hua Shiman rubbed his hands excitedly: "How many things are in such a big box!" The

    two of them worked together to remove the sand around the box, leaving room for the lid to be opened.

    When the box was opened, "Crash" splashed with water, Hua Shiman closed her eyes and avoided her, but a hand quickly stood in front of her: "It's a fish."

    Feng Yan's hand did not touch Hua Shiman, but However, Hua Shiman smelled a faint rose fragrance, not the smell of perfume, but more like the fragrance of flowers that was naturally contaminated.

    "Did it splash into your eyes?" Feng Yan saw Hua Shiman motionless, put down his hands and lowered his head to look at Hua Shiman's eyes.

    "Brother Feng, where did you plant the roses?" Hua Shiman asked suddenly.

    Feng Yan blinked: "My bedroom balcony, the weather is freezing cold, why do you suddenly ask this?"

    "Nothing," Hua Shi pursed his lips and smiled, the gift he gave was taken seriously, and anyone would be happy: "You give I also have a good collection of my gifts, you were so cute when you were young."

    Last time Feng Yan not only sent a divorce agreement, but also a gift full of memories in the gift box, which is Feng Yan's growing experience from childhood to adulthood. A photo, the first certificate, the first award...

    Hua Shiman seems to have seen a babbling child grow into the current Feng Yan little by little, but it's a pity that there is a gap of 20 years in the middle.

    Feng Yan's ears were slightly red: "It's fine if you don't dislike it." After all, sending these things seems to be a bit cheeky to promote himself.

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