Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 Good luck~

    This Saturday, the school had no classes, and because of the recording of variety shows, You Yanchi did not arrange training classes for Hua Shiman.

    So Hua Shiman went straight home.

    When I walked into the house, I saw the three members of the Hua family gathered together and muttered to the communicator, and the expressions on their faces were not very good-looking.

    "Dad, Mom, I'm back." Seeing that the three of them didn't notice her, Hua Shiman greeted.

    "Sister?" Hua Shiyu raised her head, looked at Hua Shiman's suitcase suspiciously, and then looked behind her, there was no one else, "Didn't we record a variety show today? Why did you come back?"

    "Sponsors withdraw funds, temporarily stop Record, what are you looking at?" Hua Shiman walked behind the sofa and looked at Hua Longfei's communicator.

    It's a slightly blurry photo, but it's still recognizable that the protagonists are Wei Jiuning and a strange girl.

    "This is..." Hua Shiman raised his eyebrows.

    Hua Longfei grinned: "I'm looking for a private, family, detective, and investigation, and I gave the result today. Haha, that kid Wei Jiuning, even if he has a marriage contract, he goes to fall in love with other women, and he actually has five talks. What

    's even more irritating is that what he's talking about now also makes his good daughter take the blame of the mistress, Hua Longfei grinds his teeth: "I'm going to ask the old Weigou out, and then smash the evidence on his face, Dissolve the engagement in person! Drive his brand out of HUA!"

    Hua Shiman applauded: "Dad is mighty!"

    "By the way, you just said that the sponsor of the variety show was withdrawing money? Did the recording fail?" Hua Longfei released Wanhao Yan, began to care about Hua Shiman's career.

    "Mengniu withdrew 20 million, the director and producer have to re-apply for sponsorship, and the recording can start again when the sponsorship is in place," Hua Shiman put his elbows on the back of the sofa with a nonchalant expression: "It doesn't matter if I can't record, I You can start live streaming, just over a month before the final exam."

    "This is your first variety show, how can you be so casual?" Hua Longfei frowned in disapproval, whether it was variety shows, TV, movies, ratings or box office It is the reputation of the artist. If an artist can afford the ratings, there will be more opportunities in the future.

    Otherwise, it will become box office poison and viewing poison, which show will invite her again if she can't think of it?

    "It just so happens that HUA is going to return to China. If you producers can't get sponsorship, this sponsorship is only 20 million, so you should test the water." Hua Longfei waved his hand arrogantly, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible the plan was.

    Is this what it's like to have a rich dad? Love love love!

    Hua Shiman pinched Hua Longfei's shoulders dog-leggedly: "Dad is so good! But 20 million is not a small amount, so be careful. Dad, you should first understand the situation of this variety show, and then decide whether to support it or not."

    Eat After dinner, Hua Shiman went back to the upstairs room and took out the memory chip that Feng Yan had given him.

    Use a computer to scan for viruses and confirm safety before reading the contents. There is only a five-minute video in the chip.

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