Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 The Persistence of Black Fans

    qnd250: [Wei Jiuning is not for you. 】

    Feng Yan frowned slightly when he heard Hua Shiman mentioning Wei Jiuning, and then saw the two of them trapped in the elevator, even if they didn't have much contact, he was still very worried, and he thought about it again and again before typing out such a sentence .

    After sending it out, I felt that it was not strong enough, so I typed the next line with a serious expression: [You and him will not have a good result. ]

    [Brother Q is right, Mother Hua should give up as soon as possible, I would rather despise you! ]

    [Brother Q is so arrogant, he actually made 100,000! ]

    [Although Mama Hua didn't deliberately destroy the elevator, my heart against you will never change. ]

    A group of white barrages flew past, and Hua Shiman couldn’t see clearly without glasses. However, qnd250 is a big fan who gave 100,000 gifts. The system automatically changed his barrage in the live broadcast room into colorful, and also increased the size. Bold it so that Hua Shiman can see it at a glance.

    Hua Shiman suddenly realized that this person turned out to be Wei Jiuning's brainless fan. She said that with her current reputation, how could she have true fans, but she didn't know if the other party would be hung up by parents for giving so many gifts.

    The video ended when Hua Shiman and Bai Xiaotang re-entered the elevator, Hua Shiman crossed the video: "This is what happened, there is no ambiguity at all." But

    the reason why black fans are black fans is because they don't It will change your opinion because you explain one thing clearly.

    Hua Shiman clarified that he didn't expect to turn the black fan into a fan, but he just didn't want to be blamed again, so that more passersby would join the black fan army. At the same time, he also set his attitude right. If you want to black her again, can you? Take the lawyer's letter from her!

    At this time, the splendid gift special effects exploded again in the live broadcast room.

    Manman's most beautiful gives away Durian Melaleuca*99, gives out roses*99, gives away strawberries*99

    Manman's most beautiful: [Manman is so beautiful, you are the best! Love you~]

    The black fans were shocked.

    【Is this a fan? Flower mother still has fans? 】

    【Fans who bought it. ]

    [I went to that person's homepage to see that it was another anchor. 】

    Hua Shiman quickly reacted, except for Gu Wangshu, it couldn't be anyone else.

    Gu Wangshu is also the anchor of Huakaiduoduo, with hundreds of thousands of fans, but has not signed a contract with Huakaiduo.

    She knew that Gu Wangshu would definitely come, but she didn't expect Gu Wangshu to use a large size directly.

    "Thank you Big Moon for the gift, I love you too." Hua Shiman smiled brightly and compared his heart to the camera.

    Even if Hua Shiman doesn't care about the swearing remarks by black fans, she is still very happy when someone supports her, so in the next live broadcast, her smile is a little brighter.

    [Pure passerby, I don't understand why this anchor is so black, but the anchor is really beautiful. ]

    [Lying, trough, what's the matter with my heart beating faster when Hua Mama smiles? The cat hugs its head in panic.jpg]

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