Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Fierce and unusually furry

    Originally, Zhang Chaoxiong had no hope of endorsement, but now it is an unexpected joy to be promoted by live broadcast. No matter what You Yanchi asked, he agreed.

    So the last live broadcast of Hua Shiman's vacation was going to broadcast the delicious farm, and I didn't forget to pull Gu Wangshu on.

    The two made an appointment to meet online at seven o'clock in the evening, and Hua Shiman started the live broadcast.

    【I'm here for dinner again! 】

    【What do you eat today? 】

    【Huh? This scene is wrong. ]

    Hua Shiman was sitting on the carpet, leaning against the game compartment behind him, and the small coffee table beside him was full of small snacks.

    Wearing a loose cotton T-shirt, slacks, and no makeup, she waved to Little Bee lazily: "Welcome everyone to the live broadcast room, I'm Hua Shiman."

    [Is this a pure face, right? I adore this skin condition! ]

    [Hey, the mole on the tip of the nose is really good looking, I want to kiss~]

    [It's too disrespectful to the audience without makeup on the live broadcast, Mama Hua is really floating. 】

    Hua Shiman saw the barrage and lifted his eyelids: "Which rule stipulates that if a female anchor doesn't wear makeup, she doesn't respect the audience? Am I disheveled or disheveled? Of course, I'm comfortable playing games.

    " ! ]

    [No, no, no, it's been 2222 years, and some people say that if you don't make up, you don't respect the audience? ]

    [Shouldn't the point be to play games today, so I have nothing to eat? ! vibrato.jpg]

    [Yes! 】

    If the audience who came to eat was struck by lightning, they all shouted that Hua Shiman should not be doing their jobs, what games are they playing, and cooking is a serious business!

    "There must be food, or you can eat whatever you want, as long as you can find it." Hua Shiman smiled mysteriously, opened the game compartment and lay in.

    Jump to the live broadcast interface and connect to the screen in the game.

    In the picture, there is a cartoon version of one acre of fertile farmland, fruit trees covered with fruit, and a simple and warm wooden house with the round and lovely four characters - "Delicious Farm" hanging on the wooden house.

    With two snaps, two fruits fell from the tree, and then with a baa~, a sheep baa jumped out from the back of the wooden house.

    Audience: ...

    Ah, what game is this? Do kindergarten kids play?

    The picture changed again, and a green grassy hillside appeared, on which stood Hua Shiman wearing a grass skirt.

    The barrage in the live broadcast room is reduced to the lower right of Hua Shiman, which is convenient for her to interact with the audience.

    Seeing the audience's question, Hua Shiman replied: "This is an infrastructure game called Delicious Farm, and it is also a world that is not polluted by gray toxin. The most important point is that the food here can be eaten, and the taste is consistent with reality. It 's as delicious as it is in China."

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