Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Recording Issue 4

    After saying good night to Feng Yan, Hua Shiman fell asleep, but he was still thinking about what he seemed to have forgotten.

    Until the next morning when I turned on the communicator and saw a message from an unfamiliar number at 2:00 a.m.: Manman, there are many things you don’t know, meet me, I will tell you all, these things are really important and important.

    Inscription: Love you Ning

    Da in the morning, goosebumps all over her body when she spends time, think about Wei Jiuning I saw yesterday, and look at this ambiguous message today, the appearance of these two faces is not natural scum It's a split personality.

    Hua Shiman didn't reply, and the backhand was another blackmail. Before his roommate got up, he went to the balcony to send a message to Zhao Qing: "Uncle Zhao, good morning... I want to trouble you to find someone to investigate Wei Wei. Jiu Ning, look at what's wrong with him recently... I really don't like him, and I have a boyfriend... OK, I'll bring it back to show you later..."

    "Okay," Zhao Qing laughed at the other end of the communication. Crow's feet: "Is it Mr. Feng?"

    "...Yes." Hua Shi was silent for a second, is it that obvious? How could they know that it was Feng Yan as soon as they heard about her and her boyfriend.

    After hanging up the communication, Zhao Qing turned his head and told the news to the parents of the Hua family.

    Hua Longfei took a sip of milk with a deep expression on his face, feeling complicated.

    He is very happy that his daughter has stepped out of the shadow of the past to accept a new relationship, but thinking about Hua Shiman who is only twenty, is this love too early? I can't bear it.

    Hua Shiman sneezed a little, put away the communicator, and looked out the window.

    Due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside, a layer of frost formed on the window glass. She raised her hand and wiped off a small piece. The outside of the house was indeed covered in silver.

    The students who got up early walked on the snow wrapped in thick down jackets, leaving rows of footprints, and it looked... very cold.

    Hua Shiman couldn't help shivering when she thought that she was going to go out in a while. She turned around and opened the balcony door to prepare to go back. When the door opened, she saw Tao Le standing at the door.

    "Morning, Manman." Tao Le smiled naturally.

    "Morning, did I wake you up?" Hua Shiman also smiled, not sure if Tao Le heard it or not, but it didn't matter if she heard it, she wasn't going to hide her relationship anyway.

    "No, I'll get up and go to the toilet." Tao Le walked sideways from Hua Shiman's side and slipped into the toilet.

    "Get up, get up," Bai Xiaotang and Li Qing also woke up, yawned and sat up, eyes still closed, with a tired look on their faces: "It's the end of the term, you have to get up early to read."

    Near the end of the year, whether it's the company or the school At the busiest time, time flew by, and two days later, Hua Shiman received the survey results from Zhao Qing.

    Wei Jiuning has indeed been abnormal recently. After falling out with his family, he had a car accident and was not injured, but he was in a coma for a long time. After that, he went to see psychological counseling and psychiatry one after another. As for the specific consultation, The doctor was very ethical and did not inform.

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