Chapter 92

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Chapter 92 Feng Yan: Am I old?

    The feeling of kissing seriously for the first time is gentle and green, time seems to be slowing down, the surrounding hustle and bustle is gone, only the warm breath of the person in front of you, and the coolness of the snowflakes falling on the forehead.

    "Puff, puff..." The heartbeat beats the eardrums, and Hua Shiman's heartbeat is faster than ever.

    "xiu - slap!" After a loud bang, a large piece of golden yellow exploded in the sky.


    "The flying dragon is in the sky!" A golden dragon soared in the air, majestic and domineering.

    Hua Shiman poked Feng Yan's waist, took a step back with a blushing face, and closed the scarf to cover his hot cheeks, but he didn't let go of the hand that was held by Feng Yan, and turned his head to face him. A pair of black eyes.

    A five- or six-year-old girl was squatting on a stone pier on one side, holding her chubby cheeks and looking at them curiously.

    Seeing Hua Shiman looking at herself, the little girl tilted her head and asked, "Are you kissing? Like my parents?"

    "Uh..." Hua Shiman blinked awkwardly.

    The little girl stood up, stood on the stone pier, and reached Hua Shiman's chest. She approached Hua Shiman with her hands behind her back: "Sister, you look good, can you kiss me?"

    Hua Shiman was so happy, the little girl At such a young age, he was quite courageous.

    "No," before Hua Shiman agreed, Feng Yan refused seriously on her behalf, and pulled Hua Shiman behind him: "This is my girlfriend and only I can kiss." The

    little girl squinted at Feng Yan , pouted unhappily: "Uncle, but I asked my sister, and I didn't ask you."

    Uncle... Feng Yan only felt a sharp arrow stuck in his chest, snorted, and became more and more determined. In front of Hua Shiman.

    "Alas, there is always a Queen Mother between the Cowherd and Weaver Girl." The little girl sighed like an adult, not wanting to give up her beautiful sister.

    Squat down. Lying on the stone pier, flopping short legs to reach the ground, ready to slide down and go around the Queen Mother to kiss the beautiful sister.

    "Oh, why did you come here? You're not afraid of falling!" A fashionably dressed woman in her forties and fifties ran over and quickly picked up the little girl.

    "I didn't run around, I've been here," the little girl kicked her short legs: "Put me down, I haven't kissed my beautiful sister yet."

    "Who are you kissing?" The woman poked the little girl's forehead and said. : "I look at beauties all day long at such a young age. How many times have I told you not to look at other people and run after them!" As

    she said, she looked in the direction of the little girl's finger, but saw no one: " Hey, who is from here, you have learned to fool me!" The

    little girl covered her poked forehead and opened her mouth in surprise for a while: "What I saw just now must be a fairy!" Otherwise, why would it disappear in a blink of an eye!

    At this moment, Hua Shiman and Feng Yan were away from the crowd and walked towards home.

    "What's wrong? You're not really jealous with a little girl, are you?" Hua Shiman tilted his head, looking at Feng Yan's handsome face that was a little more serious than before.

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