Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 Pure Love Mr. Feng

    "Hey." Ai Zuofan, who was squatting not far away to eavesdrop, raised his hand to cover his eyes.

    How did he find out that Feng Yan was so stunned, what were the strategies he had searched on the Internet? What about those romantic and affectionate confessions prepared in advance? This incoherent naive look, who still cherishes the meat that can't be eaten?

    Feng Yan: "..."

    Feng Yan, who was already nervous, was made even more nervous by this sigh. He glanced at the direction of the sound without a trace, and said that he was not allowed to eavesdrop, but he still came, he wrote it down!

    "I also bought a pasture in the grassland in your name, there are a hundred cows, a hundred sheep, and chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits," Feng Yan found out a property contract from nowhere, and proposed marriage. Kneeling down on one knee, looking up at Hua Shiman: "When you have a holiday, we can go to the grassland to ride horses, raise cattle, and roast whole sheep together.     " Just send it to the ranch? Is it appropriate for the goddess to raise cattle? Does such a romantic scene make you say how many cows there are in the ranch? Ai Zuofan hated that iron could not become steel, and wanted to rush out to teach Feng Yan what the correct lines to confess.     At this moment, Feng Yan heard a soft "OK".     His eyes instantly brightened: "You agreed?"     "Well," Hua Shiman was not the first time to look at Feng Yan from a top-down perspective, but it was the first time he could clearly see the focus in the other's eyes. With Shenqing, she took over the property rights contract of the ranch and nodded: "Then we agreed, let's go to eat roast whole lamb...boyfriend."     "Okay, eat roast whole lamb!" Feng Yan kept on one knee. The posture did not get up, looking at Hua Shiman with a smirk.     Hua Shiman also burst out laughing, bent over and approached Feng Yan: "Boyfriend, it's so cold on the ground, why don't you get up?     " Looking at Hua Shiman from his waist: "Didn't I bump into you?"     "No." Hua Shiman shook his head and laughed.     If she hadn't moved to dodge quickly, Feng Yan would have stood up abruptly, and the two of them would have suffered when they bumped into each other.

    "Fortunately, I didn't bump into it." Feng Yan smiled like a one-meter-nine naive, standing at a loss, putting his hands into his pockets and then taking them out again, how could he still look like a boss.

    After many years of begging, the dream suddenly came true. He was so beautiful that he seemed to be in a dream. He was really a long-term boyfriend.

    "Mr. Feng, have you never been in love?" Hua Shiman asked.

    "No." Feng Yan shook his head honestly. He was only twenty years old when the accident happened, and he has been a German Shepherd for the next twenty years. Except for his crush on Hua Shiman, he was so innocent that he couldn't be more innocent.

    "Me, can I hug you?" Feng Yan looked at Hua Shiman with anticipation and anxiety.

    Hua Shiman didn't answer, he just opened his arms and hugged Feng Yan's waist actively.

    The end of his nose was the warm fragrance of roses unique to Hua Shiman, and Feng Yan slowly put his hand on Hua Shiman's back.

    This is the first time he has embraced Hua Shiman as a human being. The person in his arms is so fresh and warm, so beautiful that he wants to hug her to the core, but he is afraid of hurting her, so he can only restrain her. He buried his head on Hua Shiman's shoulders, covering his reddish eyes.

    "Mr. Feng, your heart is beating so fast."

    "Well, I'm nervous." Feng Yan's voice trembled slightly, with a nasal tone.

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