Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 She Likes Meat

    At noon on Sunday, in the old house of the Feng family.

    Three generations and five members of the Feng family sat silently eating in the dining room. Since the return of the eldest grandson, Feng Yan, the Feng family's atmosphere has become strange and solemn.

    Of course, Dignity belonged to the other three, Old Master Feng and Feng Yan didn't feel that way.

    Feng Yan's biological mother died when he was six years old. His father, Fengcheng, married his second wife, Wang Hui, and gave birth to a younger brother, Feng Jue, who was only seven years younger than Feng Yan.

    With a stepmother, there is a stepfather. Feng Cheng's heart has long been biased towards Feng Jue, and he wants to let himself or Feng Jue inherit the Feng family. Feng's plan.

    Feng Yan has been missing for 20 years. Feng Cheng tried his best to enter the core of Feng's family, but he was stopped by Mr. Feng. Now that Feng Yan is back, he and Feng Jue have no chance.

    "Dad," Feng Cheng was unwilling to give up like this. Seeing that Feng Chaoming was in a good mood, he tentatively said, "Xiaoyan just came back, and his body has not been taken care of yet. Why don't you leave that new project to me first and wait for Xiaoyan? I'll give it to him now?"

    "I'll give it to you? Are you doing well?" Feng Chaoming lifted his eyelids, his eyes were a little cold. Twenty years ago, Feng Yan was in a coma, and people have been searching for him since then. Yan's whereabouts, all kinds of doubts point to Fengcheng and Feng Jue's father and son. He didn't want to doubt his own son and grandson, but he had to doubt it.

    "How do you know that I can't do well if you don't give it to me?" Feng Cheng was not convinced, "Dad, I'm in my seventies, so I can't keep letting me eat idle meals, right?"

    "You're not being honest, I'm afraid you don't just eat idle meals, Don't think I don't know what you do in private, don't want to interfere in new projects!"

    "...But you don't let me interfere, but let Xiaoyan go, do I lose face as a father? There is also Xiao Jue, who is still just a staff member in the company." Feng Cheng protested in a low voice, not only afraid of Feng Chaoming's authority, but also unwilling to be crushed by his son everywhere.

    Hearing this, Feng Jue looked at Feng Chaoming pitifully. Wang Hui did not dare to say a word, but she was also dissatisfied with her father-in-law's partiality.

    "Mid-level management is an ordinary employee?" Feng Chaoming was angry, and at the same time he was deeply disappointed. He had experienced this kind of disappointment countless times: "You know the company, Xiaoyan has been taking care of you these few days after coming back. Have you ever had him? Ah? What have you done in the 20 years since he disappeared?"

    Sometimes he wished he hadn't given birth to this son. He was ignorant, selfish and narrow-minded, but he liked to be smart!

    If Feng Cheng insists on not regretting it and insists that he choose between his son and grandson, he may really send Feng Cheng to prison!

    A trace of guilt flashed in Feng Cheng's eyes. He has done a lot in the past 20 years, but Mr. Feng hid people so well that he didn't let him find Feng Yan.

    He glanced at Feng Yan, but when he thought that he was Feng Chaoming's own son, he couldn't really do anything to him, so he became hard again, and wanted to find something good for himself and Feng Jue.

    "Ta" The chopsticks placed on the table made a soft sound, interrupting Feng Cheng's words, Feng Yan wiped his mouth: "Grandpa, I'm done eating, you can eat slowly."

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