Chapter 83

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Chapter 83 Game Live Streaming

    "What is the prize for the first place?" King, who won the first place for the first time, rubbed his hands excitedly, looking forward to it.

    "The right to choose the game first," Wang Yiyi smiled slightly. Since it is to fully understand and experience the life of an idol, the protagonist of this issue is of course the game: "

    Go back to the place where you live first." As the evening approached, we spent most of the day frightening and fleeing in the secret room of the ancient house. Everyone felt a little tired. At first, they chatted about which part of the secret room was the most difficult and which ghost was the most frightening, but after a few minutes, it gradually became quiet and his head tilted. , slept on the back of the chair.

    A few of them even snorted, Wang Yi winked at the camera, and asked the other party to control the little bee to quietly approach the guests, recording the expressionless sleeping face.     The snoring sound like sawing wood in Nanbo Bay, the sparkle on the corner of King's mouth, Gu Qing's half white eye, Ran Xiaochao and Ding Xiaoyang huddled together like two little hamsters...     Then the little bee flapped its wings and flew to the flower hour In front of Man and Feng Yan.     Feng Yan closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, sitting upright. Before the little bee could get close to pat, Feng Yan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear and there was no trace of sleepiness. Seeing that it was a harmless little bee, he closed his eyes again. .     The camera wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and sighed in his heart, Mr. Feng's alertness is really too high, his eyes just like a wolf in the wilderness, he was afraid that Mr. Feng would slap the little bee on the wall with a conditioned reflex. .     Sure enough, the fans follow the master, whether it's Feng Yan or Hua Shiman's combat effectiveness.     He cautiously let the little bee back a little bit, and then flew down a little to shoot the flower Shiman.     The first thing the camera noticed was Hua Shiman's long eyelashes, long and straight true eyelashes, like crow feathers, her sleeping face was peaceful and beautiful, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be slightly upturned.     gorgeous. The camera and Wang Yi sighed in their hearts at the same time, worthy of being responsible for the appearance of their program group.

    Although it was in the car, Hua Shiman slept very peacefully this night. Feng Yan was a little taller than her, and she leaned on Feng Yan's shoulder to sleep in just the right position. The key was to have an inexplicable sense of security, as if staying with him There will be no danger around.

    When Hua Shiman woke up, the bus had arrived at the destination, which was a riverside resort.

    The program team helped the village with publicity, and the village provided housing for the program team. It was a distinctive three-story wooden building.

    When I got off the car, the slightly damp and fresh air blowing across the river rushed towards my face. Hua Shiman took a deep breath and felt refreshed.

    "Welcome to Linjiang Village. This is the famous Linjiang Resort." Following Wang Yiyi's voice, the camera took pictures of the beautiful surrounding scenery and dutifully promoted it.

    "We will spend the next three days in the village. The wooden building behind us is our residence. Let's go in."

    Hua Shiman walked into the wooden building. The decoration was warm and clean, especially the one in the center of the living room. The carpet looked so thick and soft that one wanted to roll on it.

    "Wow, what a big game room!" King scurried upstairs and downstairs like only Erha. Seeing the game room, he was so excited that he could not wait to turn on the game and play two games.     "I like this refrigerator," Hua Shi wandered into the kitchen, opened the large refrigerator with four doors, and filled it     with a dazzling array of food: "Director Wang is generous this time." ," Wang Yi accepted the compliment with a smile, and pointed to several boxes next to the refrigerator: "Including these."     These things can be eaten by 12 people for three days? Hua Shiman's expression was indifferent for a moment: "I take back what I just said."     At the same time, she looked down at the cardboard boxes and squinted to see the words on them - instant noodles, nutritious paste, and jerky.     Fast food is the main theme in the lives of game nerds and nerds.     Hua Shi frowned and wrinkled her nose, every strand of hair exuded a rejection of these things. In the last days, she almost vomited after eating instant noodles, so she didn't want to eat it.

    After roughly visiting the wooden building, the guests returned to the living room to gather and sit down on the carpet.

    Wang Yiyi launched a familiar little board with 12 game nameplates on it. Except for King and Nanbo Bay, everyone else couldn't help but look blank. Except for the most popular games, they even listened to most of them. I've never heard of it, and I don't even know if it's a holographic game, a computer game, a mobile game, a single player or a multiplayer game.

    "In the next three days, everyone will be the game anchor, so please invite the guests to choose two games that they want to live broadcast according to the ranking of the secret room games. The gift program group obtained in the live broadcast will be donated to the youth education aid in C City. Funds, and gifts will also determine your popularity ranking, and the winner will be rewarded in the final game." Wang Yi introduced the rules of the game.     Yan Lei raised her claws: "Director, is there no game introduction?" She didn't explicitly say that she didn't know some games, because eight out of ten games that can appear on the show are sponsors of the show.     "No, you have to believe in your fate with the game," Wang Yiyi looked at King Bufa and Nanbo Bay: "Now, please let the first place Bubu Xiaoqiang choose the game."     "Let's choose the one we want to play?" King turned his head Looking towards Nanbo Bay.     The Nanbo Bay comparison was OK. In the end, King chose a stand-alone game called "Escape the Zombie City", and Nanbo Bay chose a holographic game called "The Age of Dinosaurs".     "The second strong team chooses the game."     Hua Shiman and Feng Yan looked at each other with blank eyes.     Feng Yan was busy with work and didn't know any other games except Delicious Farm. Fortunately, Delicious Farm was not on the list.     Hua Shiman only knows one of the single-player mobile games called "Lianliankan", but this is a casual game, and this is a live broadcast...     "Sister Manman, choose Sweet Home and White Day (Note), these two It's fun." King is not afraid to whisper in Hua Shiman's ear.     "Really?" Hua Shiman glanced at him suspiciously, these two names wouldn't be some kind of love development game, it didn't sound like a lot of fun.

    "Really, we are the most solid and reliable allies, how could I fool you?" King widened his sincere eyes.

    Nanbowan's eyebrows twitched, his eyes looked at his nose, his nose at his heart, and he decided not to demolish the idol's stage.

    "Trust you once." Hua Shiman Yiyan chose these two games.

    Seeing this, the other teams looked at King, and Nie Yuquan put his hand on King's shoulder: "King, Brother Quan is usually nice to you, so I'll give Brother Quan some support."

    "Brother K, is there any comparison here? A light-hearted and fun game, the best one is cute, please help me." Yan Lei picked up the big orange and looked at King pitifully together.

    "It's easy to talk." King waved his hand boldly, his vanity was greatly satisfied, this is his home court, he is the king of the game!

    Under King's suggestion, the game selection was completed, and the next step was free time. The game live broadcast began at 8 o'clock that night.

    The entire third floor is a game room with more than 200 square meters. It is divided into a game area and a rest area. The game area is separated by various wooden fences or green plants. Although they are in the same space, they will not disturb each other. It can be said that It is a very comfortable live broadcast environment.

    The program team downloaded the game in advance, and the newly appointed game anchors only need to turn on the game live broadcast.

    Hua Shiman turned on the computer belonging to the Xiaoqiang team. She didn't know what the two games were, so she clicked on Sweet Home at will.

    The game interface opened, it was black at first, and then the bloody English font "HOME SWEET HOME" slowly appeared, and there were two blood-colored villains holding hands.

    Just the beginning, it's not sweet at all.

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