Chapter 87

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Chapter 87 Sister Hua is handsome, I love it! (Add one more...

    The knocking sound of dong dong dong is usually one after another, which makes people's scalp numb, and people can vividly make up the picture of the hideous zombies tapping and scratching in the freezer. Keep away from freezers.

    Hua Shiman calmly put down the register in his hand, and clicked on the work card on the table: "The door is locked. To go out, you must first find the access control card. The access control card is probably related to this administrator named Li Yi."

    King heard this . His eyes fell on the hanger next to the filing cabinet, with a thickened overalls hanging on it. He stepped forward and touched his pocket, as expected, it was empty: "No."

    "It won't be in the morgue... "Yan Lei clenched the frying pan in her hand, as if this would give her the courage to face the zombies.

    The holographic game is too realistic, whether it is the vague smell of corpse in the air or the constantly echoing knocking sound, it makes people feel as if they are really in the era of zombies full of danger.

    "It's very possible." Seeing Yan Lei's face turning pale with fear, King comforted: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

    Hua Shiman opened the file cabinet, and there were various documents piled up in a mess, but the most conspicuous ones were There is a communicator in the place.

    The communicator is not locked, and there is one last bit of electricity, and it takes time to click on a video on the desktop.

    "I am Li Yi, the mortuary administrator of XX Hospital. On June 30, 2022, a zombie outbreak occurred. I was trapped in the morgue..." Obviously he was also infected with the virus: "It's very cold here, I don't know how long I can last, I don't want to become a monster, I don't want to eat people, I'll put myself in the freezer after recording this video, and I hope later people can Cremate me, if I can, I want to see my love again... Be careful, all the patients who died of fever have turned into zombies..."

    Li Yi's words became more and more incoherent, the video ended, and everyone's game task panel was updated: Escape Morgue.

    Hua Shiman put away Li Yi's communicator and walked to the mortuary, gearing up: "It's time to open the box."

    Dede followed her footsteps closely, pricked up his big ears to distinguish which freezer had zombies, and then stood up and pulled with his front paws: "woohoo." Here it is.

    "Be careful, I'm coming!" King stepped forward, his powers ready to go.

    The next second, Dede's claws hooked the handle and pulled out the freezer.

    "Ho-" Accompanied by the unique groan of zombies, two sharp claws with pitch-black nails protruded from the freezer, and the frost-covered zombie sat up and attacked Hua Shiman beside him.

    "Get out of the way!" King shouted. In this game, death doesn't want to revive the set, so he can only quit the dungeon and start over.

    The flames in his hand flew towards the zombies, but a black cake-shaped object was faster than the supernatural power, and it screamed towards the zombie's head like a broken bamboo.

    With a sound of "bang", the zombie's neck was bent 90 degrees, and the entire zombie flew out of the freezer and fell to the ground... completely dead.

    The flames fell into the empty freezer and flickered a few times and went out weakly.

    King: "..."

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