Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 It's too good to be prosperous!

    Wei Jiuning's expression was stiff, and he didn't want to talk to Feng Yan, the number one fan of Hua Shiman. He raised his chest and ignored Feng Yan and walked by.

    "Wei Jiuning, it's funny how you look overconfident," Feng Yanhu said with a voice like a demon whispering, stabbing a knife on Wei Jiuning's body: "Don't go to Manman in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

    Feng Yan heard it! Wei Jiuning stopped in his footsteps, and when he thought of the scene just now being heard by others, he felt uncomfortable.

    Turning his head to look at Feng Yan, he only saw Feng Yan's back, the other party had already walked to the door of the tea room and knocked on the door.

    "Please come in." Hua Shiman's relaxed voice came from the tea room, and was not affected by Wei Jiuning.

    Feng Yan happily pushed the door and went in. The Hua Jiawei family broke off the engagement. If it wasn't for the wrong place, he would have set off 100,000 fireworks to celebrate.

    In the director's room, the staff looked awkwardly at Wang Yiyi and Assistant Director Li: "Director, look at this..."

    Wei Jiuning did turn off the camera on the wall of the tea room, but there was still a small bee on the green plant on the bookshelf The camera, he didn't see it.

    So not only Feng Yan heard the scene just now, but the two staff members of the studio, Wang Yi, and Assistant Director Li all saw it!

    "Cough, you don't have to see it, record as usual, record as usual." Deputy Director Li coughed dryly. After all, Wei Jiuning was invited by him on the basis of previous favors, and he was also an artist of his own company, so he had to protect it. .

    He originally thought that Hua Shiman and Wei Jiuning were just chasing and not catching up. This kind of thing is just a small scandal in the entertainment industry, but he never expected that the two would actually have a marriage contract!

    The two have a marriage contract, isn't that the hot rainforest CP... This truth broke out, and the fandom is definitely bloody.

    Knowing this was the case, he would never have the cheek to ask Wei Jiuning to come over, I just hope Wei Jiuning wouldn't blame him for it.

    Thinking that Wang Yi was the chief director of the show, Deputy Director Li pulled Wang Yi aside and said earnestly, "Old Wang, Jiu Ning is the guest we invited to save the scene, you must not get caught up in the heat. The program team is injustice, and this matter cannot be exposed."

    Seeing that Wang Yi did not say anything, Deputy Director Li continued to persuade: "Our program is "Hello, Idol", not Hua Wei's grudge record, this incident will explode again. Not to mention going out to make a fuss, the fans of Jiang Ruoyu and Wei Jiuning alone can make the comment area of ​​the show smoky and affect the passers-by..."

    Deputy Director Li said whatever, and even promised to give more shots of Huakaiduo artists before letting Wang One reluctantly nodded.


    "Why did you come here?" Seeing that Feng Yan walked into the tea room, Hua Shiman asked, she thought it was Wei Jiuning who didn't win her by arguing just now, so she was angry and returned.

    "It's easy to get hungry when you study at night, so I brought you a late night snack." Feng Yan put the food box on the glass table.

    It's not a lot of delicate and expensive food, just ordinary sixty-nine powder and sizzling squid, but it is spicy and tangy, and people can't help drooling when they smell it.

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