Chapter fifty-seven

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Chapter fifty-seven beautiful girl long

    Of course, the Rainforest Team won't listen to King's flickering. Among the six words, the pitch black looks the most like dark food. For safety's sake, I definitely can't choose it, and it doesn't look good with all the holes...

    Lin Man and Wei Jiuning are low . Sheng discussed: "I feel that Ruixue Fengnian, Huahong Liulu, and the friendship between gentlemen seem to be better."

    "Huahong Liulu feels like a plant, let's choose Huahong Liuliu." Wei Jiuning said.

    Lin Man nodded in agreement, said their choice, and successfully received their own lunch.

    Backing the dining car to the small dining table, Lin Man lifted the lid under the eager gazes of the other guests, and the spicy aroma rushed to his face.

    A plate of tomato fried peppers, a plate of tiger skin green peppers, red, red, green and green are brightly colored, worthy of the name Huahong Liulu.

    The ingredients are good ingredients, they are all plants, but...

    Wei Jiuning swallowed his saliva, he is a native of B city, and spicy food is not popular in B city, and because he is a singer, he usually eats less chili to protect his throat. Now just smelling the smell of the two dishes makes me feel a spicy taste, and the secretion of saliva is accelerated.

    "Can I change it?" He turned and asked Wang Yiyi.

    Wang Yi smiled and refused: "No, you have to be loyal to your choice and have enough drinking water."

    Thinking of Wei Jiuning, who is usually beautiful and refined like an elf, his lips were red and tears were so hot, It will definitely make Yan Fan scream, but he also knows the importance of the voice to singers and actors, so these two dishes just look spicy, but in fact, the taste is moderate and will not affect the voice.

    There was no meat, Hua Shiman withdrew his gaze disinterestedly, and changed his standing position boredly waiting for the other five teams of guests to finish answering.

    The prelude of the second song sounded, soothing and ethereal, bringing the rustling sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves, so that people who heard the music also relaxed, as if immersed in the green forest, the breeze was blowing and the air was fresh .

    This prelude sounded familiar to her. Hua Shiman tilted his head to listen to the music, and tapped the beat with his fingers on the side of his legs.

    "This song sounds familiar, I must have heard it before!" King felt that the answer was right in his mouth, but he couldn't answer it, so he scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks anxiously and wanted to rush forward.

    Nanbowan clung to his waist tightly: "If you think of it, grab it again, and leave some image for me!" In the

    next second, a pink figure rushed over, and the two ponytails were raised in the air, like two Black wings.

    King was startled, he wanted to win or lose immediately, and vigorously broke free from Nanbo Bay and chased after him.

    Hua Shiman sensed someone behind him, grabbed the microphone, moved his steps swiftly, dodged handsomely to avoid King who was pounced, and answered confidently, "The wind blows through the summer."

    Hearing this answer, King remembered, Annoyed: "Oh, it's this song, it's..." But suddenly he stopped.

    The scene was silent for two seconds, and Hua Shiman asked Wang Yiyi, right?

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