Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 Feng Zongkai live broadcast

    "Trouble Uncle Jiang contact Jiang Ruoyu to come to Feng's house tomorrow, I'm going to do a paternity test," Feng Yan said to Jiang Jinian: "In addition, the hot search about Jiang Ruoyu on the Internet has been taken down and diverted to variety shows."

    "Okay, Young Master."

    "Well, rest early, good night." Feng Yan nodded and went back upstairs.

    Jiang Jinian first asked people to withdraw from the hot search, and then dialed Jiang Ruoyu's communication.     It was not

    connected until the prompt tone was almost finished. Jiang Ruoyu's voice came from there, soft and soft as always: "Uncle, what's the matter so late?"

Deceived by a gentle and soft voice.

    Jiang Jinian said lightly: "Master Feng asked you to come to Feng's house tomorrow."

    "Okay." Jiang Ruoyu didn't care about Jiang Jinian's indifference. In her eyes, Jiang Jinian was completely Feng Yan's lackey and didn't care about her nephew. Female, then why should she care about Jiang Jinian?

    When she entered the Feng family, Jiang Jinian was just a housekeeper.

    The two sides were silent for two seconds, and Jiang Ruoyu was the first to speak: "Uncle, is there anything else? If I don't have it, I will hang up first."

    Jiang Ji Nian sighed silently, a trace of exhaustion flashed in his eyes, it was the child he raised with his own hands: " Xiaoyu, did you never believe me when I said you were not the daughter of Young Master Feng?"

    Jiang Ruoyu didn't answer directly, but said, "I believe my mother's words more." And the original plot.

    It was never mentioned in the original plot that Feng Yan was not the father of the original owner, and before Feng Yan woke up, the original owner was recognized by Feng Cheng and returned to the Feng family in advance.

    It's just that the Feng family fell into infighting before Feng Cheng had time to help the original owner fight Shiman.

    After hearing this, Jiang Jinian still didn't understand: "You can do it yourself in the future." After speaking, Jiang Jinian hung up the communication.

    This is the second time Jiang Ruoyu has heard this sentence today. She pursed her lips and felt a little uneasiness in her heart, but when she saw the fruit plate sent by her second uncle Feng Jue on the table, she put this uneasiness behind her.

    Feng Cheng recognized her, how could Feng Yan disobey his father?

    The next morning, Feng Yan got up and washed, changed his clothes and went to the dining room.

    "Xiaoyan is awake, come over for breakfast, this morning's minced meat buns with mushrooms are very good." Feng Chaoming said to Feng Yan with a smile when he heard the footsteps.

    He still had a tablet in his hand, and the singing of King and Nanbowan Meow Meow came out.

    "These two guys are so funny, how many did you get in the end?" Feng Chaoming slept early last night and didn't have time to watch the live broadcast. He is now watching the live broadcast.

    "Sixth place." Feng Yan sat down beside Feng Chaoming, and sent Hua Shiman a cute good morning emoji before serving himself a bowl of porridge.

    "As I thought, hahaha, who are you and Manman in the first appearance?"

    "The last appearance." The

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