Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Protagonist Halo

    "Ah!" Bai Xiaotang screamed in fright.

    Why did she just press the door button? This elevator is definitely touching porcelain!

    "Don't be afraid, squat down, it's alright." Hua Shiman reacted very quickly and hugged Bai Xiaotang into his arms, half squatting on the ground, while countless vines grew wildly to fix her and Bai Xiaotang.

    Bai Xiaotang felt a faint fragrance surrounding her, soft and secure, she stretched out her hand to hug Hua Shiman's waist tightly, and sighed softly: "Manman, your waist is so thin."

    Her voice was very small , but the elevator was quieter, and the other three heard this clearly.

    Wei Jiuning's ears moved, and his eyes looked in the direction of Hua Shiman, but in the elevator, only the distress button glowed a faint red light, and only vague silhouettes could be seen.

    He reached out and pressed the distress button a few times.

    "Manman, this elevator won't go down for a while, right?" Bai Xiaotang felt uneasy in her heart, and shrank into a small ball in Hua Shiman's arms.

    "No." Hua Shiman calmly patted Bai Xiaotang on the back, Wei Jiuning, the male protagonist, was still in the elevator, so the elevator couldn't fall, otherwise the novel would be unfinished.

    Hua Shiman is calm and convincing, Bai Xiaotang is not so afraid anymore, and obediently nestles in Hua Shiman's arms.

    The elevator fell silent, and for a while there were only the sound of the four people's shallow breathing.

    The darkness is the most likely to breed anxiety, and all kinds of terrifying images are running around in his mind. Chen Lu clings to the elevator car wall behind him, feeling that he has to give himself courage: "School girls, don't be afraid, it's very difficult to ring the bell for help. Someone will come to save us soon."

    Bai Xiaotang held Hua Shiman contentedly, her voice sweet: "I'm not afraid, there is Manman to protect me."

    Chen Lu: "..." You let yourself be like this Male god, I have no face, eh? Hua Shiman didn't take the opportunity to talk to Wei Jiuning?

    Chen Lu felt it was strange, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the movement. He wished that he could practice night vision, so that he could clearly see Hua Shiman's expression and see if she was staring at Wei Jiuning.

    "Hello? Can you hear it? Can the people in the elevator hear it?" A staff member's voice came from the receiver.

    Chen Lu's attention shifted immediately: "I can hear! What's going on with the elevator? Why doesn't it move, it can't be turned on, and the light is off."

    "Don't panic, stay where you are, stay calm, we I'll save you guys soon."

    "Okay, hurry up," Chen Lu turned around to comfort the two girls: "Don't be afraid, junior girls, someone has come... ah!" Before he finished speaking, the

    elevator was With a shake, the words that followed turned into an exclamation, and there was another exclamation in a lower voice, from Wei Jiuning.

    Hua Shiman's ears moved, Wei Jiuning's voice was really nice, and even his exclamations were different.

    "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen." Hua Shiman's voice was light.

    However, Chen Lu inexplicably heard a trace of ridicule, and his face felt hot.

    The staff seemed to have telepathy with Hua Shiman, and after a few seconds, the light flashed twice, and the light returned to the elevator.

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