Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 Unexpected Joy

    Dressed in white chef's uniforms, guests dragged their dishes in, and the steaming meals exuded a mouth-watering aroma.

    The villagers looked at the food with all the colors and flavors, and looked at the young and beautiful artists with different styles. It was a feast for the sense of taste and vision.

    "The first dish, beggar chicken!" Wang Yiyi shouted the name of the dish, and the guests placed the beggar chicken on the guests' table.

    "What kind of chicken is a beggar chicken? What is it wrapped in, it's all burnt."

    "I know this question, it's wrapped in mud!" The young people who watched the live broadcast responded positively.

    "Ah this... isn't it dirty wrapped in mud?"

    "It's not dirty, I saw it in the live broadcast room, it's super delicious!"

    "Second course, vegetable salad!" The

    extra large vegetable salad was served on the table. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, etc. were placed on the plate. The salad dressing was painted in the pattern of smiling sunflowers, red, green and white. The colors are bright, and it looks fresh and delicious!

    "The third course, steamed seabass..." The

    twelve dishes were all served, and the portions were very large. The table was full. The guests and staff set up two tables alone to eat together with the villagers.

    The first thing to open is of course the most curious beggar chicken of the villagers. As soon as the shell is opened, a strong fragrance rises with the steam.

    "It's really fragrant!"

    "It's not mud, it's flour."

    "Wow, there are mushrooms in the chicken belly!"

    The entire farmyard became a large-scale eating and broadcasting scene.

    [Tears are left from the corners of his mouth unwillingly. 】

    【They ate so deliciously, I admired it. 】

    【Beggar chicken yyds! 】

    While the audience was drooling, they were reluctant to turn off the live broadcast and watched the live broadcast for dinner.

    After eating a meal for more than half an hour, the villagers carried out the CD-ROM operation perfectly. Except for some soup, not even the meat residue was left, and everyone was full of contentment. Ah, if this kind of dinner was held every day, For this reason, they are willing to gain ten pounds!

    "Friends, are you satisfied with this meal?" Wang Yi raised his trumpet and asked.

    "Satisfied, very satisfied!"

    "The beggar chicken tastes amazing!"

    "The shredded potatoes are super delicious, and the vegetable salad is also very refreshing."

    Wang Yi smiled happily: "It's good to be satisfied, but I will trouble everyone to cast precious little red flowers for the dishes you like."

    He showed the ballot box beside him. With the name of a dish, in order to avoid fans' filters, the program team did not tell which team made which dish, and the artist served the dish together.

    "Then please start voting now." The

    villagers lined up to vote, and the guests stood there nervously watching the little red flowers thrown into the small box one after another.

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