Chapter 1

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Peeking through the curtains of my window I bit back a smile that was forming on my face seeing him step out of the taxi. His parents hug him tight showering him with love and his boxy smile comes into the view. I gasped feeling my heartbeat a thousand times faster.

"Y/n !!!!"

My mother called me from downstairs. Taking one more peek I rush to my mother who was busy in the kitchen.

"Don't you have to go to the hospital today ? What were you doing upstairs all this time ? You are always out of this world." My mother rants on and on.

Shrugging I quietly ate my food as my younger brother comes in with his messy hair and sleepy eyes.

"There comes the lazy prince. One is dreamy the other is lazy." My mother slaps his arm to which he huffs out but eats hungrily.

"I am going. Bye." I yell. Grabbing my coat and bag I rush outside inorder to catch the bus. Sneakily I looked at his house to see if I had any luck but to my dismay I didn't see him.

Reaching the hospital , the staff flashes me a smile each and I reciprocate. Another day filled with patients and check-ups but I loved my job. I was an orthopaedic and it was a familiar sight for me to see blood everyday.

"Doc , you have ten patients before lunch. Shall I start sending them ?" One of the nurses asks and I nod to her.

Slowly my hectic day begins , the patients come and go with me prescribing them medicines or more checkups. When evening strikes I was restless to go back home. Taking the first bus my feets drags me towards my house but my eyes are on the house beside mine.

I search for him desperately and when I set my eyes on his figure I gulp down. He was outside on the lawn with his mother who was talking away where as he just nods sipping his coffee occasionally. Then suddenly his eyes meets mine and I freeze.

It seemed impossible to remove my eyes from his. His intense stare made me breathless , I clutch on my bag tightly and practically ran inside my house not having the courage to look back at him.

"You are back." My mother chimmed from the sofa. Sitting beside her I let out a tired sigh and she passes an apple.

"Mrs Kim had come here earlier."

My heart skipped a beat "Why ?"

"She invited us to their house for dinner tomorrow. You should come early after your shift and don't take night shifts please. They are really kind people and their son just returned from army. Have you seen him ? He's really handsome I must say." My mother blabbers and I bit back my smile.

"Dinner huh ?"

"Yes. I've told your brother too but unfortunately he has already planned a night out with his friends."

"Okay. I am going to freshen up."


"I am late !"

Fumbling with the zipper for god knows how long I was feeling nervous all of a sudden. I got out late from my shift and my mother scolded me for it profusely as I was getting ready. Finally settling my hairs neatly I run downstairs where my mother was waiting for my late ass.

"Come on now." My mother shook her head disappointedly before we walked to the Kim's residence. My hands were getting clammy due to the nervousness of seeing him up close. I was crushing on him for almost 3 years now since he came back from Busan where he was doing his college.

"Welcome Mrs Park." Mrs Kim gushes giving my mother a hug.

"Oh Y/n , you're here. Come in dear." Mrs Kim says hugging me too. I give her a kind smile walking into the house.

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