Chapter 15

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Author's pov

Y/n shudders at the proximity not knowing what to do or say. She just lays lax beneath him as he waited for her answer impatiently. It doesn't come. Her mouth remains shut and that didn't sit well with Taehyung so he kisses her again passionately trying to coax her.

His hands slip to push away her t-shirt , his mouth latching onto her stomach and she shivers. Y/n immediately places her hands on his clothed shoulders , squeezing them when he sucks bruises there. Taehyung takes off her t-shirt followed by his and cups her face to press a tender kiss on her forehead, "I love you , Jagiya. Please give me another chance."

Y/n's lips tremble, "O-okay."

Taehyung smiles, "Thank you."

He continues praising her body with his mouth as she enjoyed all his touches after years. When his hands tug at her joggers she stops him feeling insecure all of a sudden. It has been years and she feels shy to be naked infront of her husband. Taehyung understands her because he pecks her nose softly and looks at her with gentle eyes, "It's okay. It's just me."

Y/n slowly retracts her hands and relaxed letting Taehyung do whatever he wanted. He takes his time admiring her before getting into the real business. And he does make love with her , gently and passionately. Mouthing his confessions on her skin as she laid pliant in his arms.

Both the lovers trying to mend their bond , their hearts beating and mind hoping for a new start.


When Y/n wakes up the next day the bed is empty beside her. She gulps down thinking about last night. Y/n quietly takes a shower and dresses up for the day before striding downstairs, to the kitchen. The sight welcoming her was really endearing , Dowoon and Taehyung cooking together with Mr Kim sitting on a chair nearby. Mr Kim senses her presence and gazes at Y/n with a knowing smile , nodding to her after.

"Y/n dear , come lets eat." Mr Kim says , gaining the attention of the two boys who were busy laughing about something.

Y/n shifts on her legs feeling the stare of her husband. Suddenly , Dowoon jumps in his father's arms, "Breakfast together !"

"Yes , Wonnie. Breakfast together." Mr Kim laughs.

Y/n sits down on a chair and Taehyung takes the one next to her immediately putting Dowoon on his lap. Taehyung takes his time to manage some words out, "Morning Jagiya."

Y/n blooms red, "Morning."

"Mummy ! Want egg." Dowoon squeals.

Y/n hurries to feed her son egg as he yaps on it happily , occasionally taking some bites from his father as well. Taehyung bites his lips nervously trying to think of something to talk with his wife. Y/n soon finishes her food and starts washing them as Taehyung sat in his seat purposely eating slowly till it's just them.

"Are you okay ?" Taehyung starts, "Woonie , got up early today so I decided to make the breakfast. That's why I wasn't with you in the morning. I thought you needed more sleep."

Y/n feels the blush creeping in, "I am okay."

"Do you have work today ?" Taehyung asks.

"Yeah but I get off by lunch." Y/n said , taking his plate to wash as well.

Taehyung stands up, "I have this meeting with the land owner today morning. After that I am free. So...will it be okay if we go out later on ?"

"That would be nice." Y/n answers shyly.

"Will you bring Dowoon and father with you ?"

Taehyung shrugs, "Sure. But I don't think father will join us. He likes to be at home and do gardening."

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