Chapter 13

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Y/n's pov

I was surprised. Surprised that Taehyung wanted to drop me and Dowoon today in his own car. He was so desperate about it that I finally gave in to his request. Drake always picked us up in the morning and evening, maybe it was time for him to stop focusing on us. But I can't just push him away when he has helped us in numerous ways. So I called him and told him about the situation. Drake being the good friend he his wished me luck.

"Going with daddy !" Dowoon squeals loudly.

He has been really excited about Taehyung dropping us off. He wants to show his father off to his friends who always asked him where his father was.

"Yes. You are going with daddy." Taehyung blows a raspberry and Dowoon laughs in delight. The whole scene made me emotional.

"Ready to go ?" Taehyung asks me as he carefully puts a seatbelt on Dowoon in the backseat.

"Yes." I replied getting in the passenger seat and putting on the belt.

Soon we hit the road with music streaming from the radio and Dowoon chattering about his friends to Taehyung who intently listened to him. When his chatters died down with him busy playing on Taehyung's phone I cleared my throat resulting in diverting Taehyung's attention from the road to me.

"Why did you insist on dropping us today ?"

Taehyung smiled "We have been missing family time a lot. I decided to make up for all of it. And I am planning to buy a land in the city soon so I have to go and look at some locations. My friends helped me get some in cheaper rates."

"Land ?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. I want to have one in the city so that we can sell it for higher price when the time comes. It will be beneficial for Dowoon in the future." He replied softly.

"I see." I said curtly.

Taehyung frowns "Are you upset ?"

"I am not." I sigh.

Taehyung hesitates "I want to correct all the wrong threads in our relationship because this mission has taken a lot from us soldiers. We lost six years of our life ! We gave the country our six years ! And they are honouring us with the promise of a luxurious life in return. So I am providing our family with that."

"Was it successful atleast ?" I found myself asking him.

Taehyung gives me a small smile, "Yes , it was."


Taehyung steals a glance at me "Good ? That's it ? You won't ask about anything else ?"

I sigh looking out of the window "What more should I ask ? You've been clear with me all this while. You've told me about everything."

"Won't you ask if I missed you ?"

My heart skips a beat. But I still looked away from him.

"Won't you ask if I missed Dowoon ?" His voice heavy.

"Did you ? Did you miss us ?" I breathe out.

"Every second. I couldn't help but feel helpless on some days. I wished to have just one glance of you both and my parents. I was in pain as well." Taehyung gulps.

We reach Dowoon's school and Taehyung gets off to help him out while I stayed motionless. I see from inside the car how Dowoon pulls Taehyung towards his friends, all excited while introducing his father to them. My lips curve up seeing Dowoon this happy and smiley.

"He was really excited." I said when Taehyung returns.

Taehyung seems happy "Yeah. He introduced me telling I was in the army and all."

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