Chapter 4

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Taehyung had his face buried in his hands and the room looked destroyed. A broken vase , clothes sprawled out and the room dark. I pick up the glass pieces with care and clean the room while Taehyung remained unaware of my presence. After folding the last of the clothes I go towards him.


He flinches. Looking at me he starts breathing heavily and raises his hand to touch my face and I let him. When our skins meet he shudders out a breath.

"What happened , Tae ?" I caress his cheeks pressing a tender kiss on his forehead making him shiver.

" left me." He mumbles face buried in my chest and I run my hands through his hair soothingly.

"I didn't , Tae. I had my night shift so I had to go. I didn't leave you and never will. What did you feel ?"

He hides his face in my chest "I felt devastated. I thought everything was a dream and that you really don't want me."

"Well , that isn't the case. Let's not think like that ever again , okay ?" I peck his hairs and he nods. His arms around my torso tightly locked and I smiled at that.

The door opens and his father brings in his food and medicine with a hesitating look but I gave him an assured look. Taehyung only draws away from me when his father closes the door on his way back.

"I gave them a hard time." Taehyung sighs.

"They can understand what you are going through. Trust me they just want you to be fine." I said feeding him his dinner which he eats obediently.

After he finishes his food I give him his medicine and tuck him in for the night but he grabs my wrist "Stay with me please."

His face was drowned in insecurity and my heart broke "Tae , I have to go back home. My mother will be waiting for me but I will come to you in the morning , okay ?"

He hesitantly leaves my wrist with a tentative nod. I cup his cheeks "I promise I will be here for you in the morning."

Kissing his lips softly I make him smile.


"He won't be able walk anymore , Y/n !"

My mother shouts at me and I eat my food ignoring her outburst. She now suddenly doesn't want me to get married to Taehyung when all my life I have been waiting for this. She was the one who initiated the proposal and now just because he is injured, she wants me to leave him ?

"So ? I will leave someone just because of that ? Love is not a game , mother. Difficulties will arise but we have to overcome them by staying together and not by leaving them at that time." I said to her before going to sleep.

In the morning I quickly freshen up and run to Taehyung's house. I took leave for a week so I could be with him and my mother was not happy with that. My brother gave me a sympathetic look and I smiled to him , at least he supports me.

"How is he ?" I ask Mrs Kim who was having breakfast with Mr Kim.

Mrs Kim smile "He had his breakfast and medicine. He has been waiting for you since he woke up."

"I'll be in there." I inform them before getting inside the room. Taehyung was reading the newspaper and it was long forgotten when he saw me. I hug him and peck his cheek lovingly with a giggle "Did you sleep well ?"

"Yes , Jagiya. But I missed you." He says not letting me out of the hug and I let him be. I pat his hair gently "Did you talk to your parents about the wedding or should I do it instead ?"

He sighs , leaning back "Jagiya , are you really sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me ?"

Kissing him deeply I stare at him "Yes. I am more than sure. I want to , so badly."

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