Chapter 14

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"Taehyung." I whisper.

"I want to know what you want , Jagiya. You can be honest with me. Tell me if you don't want me anymore. Or if you have stopped loving me. Even if you have anyone else I'd still not be angry at you. I have no right to be. So please. Tell me." Taehyung desperately tells , his hand around mine tightening.

"You think I have someone else ?" It didn't sit well with me that he thought about me like that.

Taehyung sighs "I know you would never do that to me but I have been aloof for years now. So I won't be surprised if you like someone because I dug my own grave."

"Mummy !" Dowoon runs to me and shows me his homework.

"Good Wonnie. Everything is correct." I ruffle his hairs and Dowoon hops on his father's lap with a giggle.

"Daddy , I did good." Dowoon says , hurried to hear a compliment from his father.

"My Wonnie is so smart." Taehyung pecks his head and Dowoon starts tugging his arms to go play with him. Taehyung hesitates looking at me but I smiled to Dowoon "You should go play with him. I'll just clean the kitchen."

"Leave the dishes. I'll do that." Taehyung said.

I nod and they both rush to the living room where I overheard them building a gun to shoot the enemies. I chuckled hearing that as I wiped the kitchen slab and did the dishes anyways. When I went to the living room it was empty.

"I put him to sleep. He has school tomorrow so I thought he should sleep now." Taehyung says as he walks down the stairs.

"That's good. He'll be cranky otherwise." I said tying my hair up into a bun. Taehyung stares at me and I felt flustered all of a sudden so I started walking to the stairs. As I was about to step onto the raised surface my wrist was tugged back by Taehyung.

I could feel his clothed chest on my back. I closed my eyes when he pressed in closer , mouth near my ear "Can we talk ? Please ?"

"Okay." I whisper, "Okay."

Taehyung guides me to our room where now only I sleep. He shuts the door soundlessly and we both sit on the bed. Taehyung holds my hand "I need an answer. I really want to be with you. Talk to me."

I catch his eyes and finds the desperation in them. Fiddling with my fingers I sigh "I don't know what is happening with me. I feel so scared. Scared to commit. It's like the years we spent afar has made me build a wall around myself. I can't seem to break through it , you know. Everything feels so new with you and that's a good thing. But I am scared."

"Scared ? Jagiya ," Taehyung starts, "you don't have to be scared. I am still me. The same old Taehyung who was in love with you, the same one who fell because of the ice skates, the same one whom you helped to live again. It's still me. The same Taehyung who still loves you."

Erratic beats of my heart was the only thing I could focus on. Looking at him made me feel vulnerable. Breaking out eye contact I lowered mine to the floor while I heard Taehyung move beside me. He raises my chin with his forefinger "Let me make you forget everything. I'll try and do everything right this time. For that I need your help. Please."

Standing abruptly I slide away from him because his touches caused goosebumps on my body. Taehyung strides towards me with slow steps "Jagiya ?"

"What if I like someone else ? What if I don't want to be with you anymore ? What will you do then ?" I questioned him and he was taken aback.

He halts , remains silent for sometime but then smiles sadly, "If that's the case then I'll let you live. You can be with the person you love , I would never stop you. You deserve all the love in this world and if he can give you that then I can't possibly come in between. But please do allow me to see Dowoon. I won't fight for custody because I was a bad father but I just want to meet him. Once in a week , if possible. Please don't deny me of that. I won't be able to live without seeing him."

I bore my eyes on him, "So you can live without me but you can't live without Dowoon ?"

Taehyung frowns "What ? Jagiya , I didn't mean that. I have no rights to be upset with you. How can I ever stop you ?"

I scoff, "Rights , you say. You do have rights on me. You stupid man you are my husband ! You have rights on me as much as I have on you. I want you to stop me. I want you to come between me and another person , if there is any. This is exactly why I am scared. You are just giving me away ! I am scared that you'll love me like forever and then leave me alone to fend of all that people who bad mouthed me. I am not as strong as you think. I want someone to be with me. Someone to hold me when I am weak."

Tears streamed down my face like a waterfall not planning to stop by any means at all. He grabs my arms, "Jagiya. Just listen to me , okay ? What do you want me to do ? Tell me . I'll obey whatever you say."

"Get away from me." I muttered.

Taehyung looks shocked, "What ?"

"I said get away from me !" I pushed him off but he doesn't move at all. I glare at him venomously, "Let me go ! You just want Dowoon right ? Then why are you holding me back ? I mean nothing to you. Just some woman who gave birth to your son. You made me feel jealous of my own son ! I can't believe that."

"I am a terrible mother." I sobbed hard on his chest and he hugged me close , patting my back.

"No , you are not. It's me. I am a terrible husband and father." He says. Wiping my tears softly he gulps, "You are not nothing. You are my everything. Know that."

My sobs tone down at that. His hands soothing my back gently, "I want to hold you close till I die , Jagiya. If you'd allow me I will do just that."

Pushing him back a little , I avoid any sort of eye contact, "You should feel this yourself. I don't have to remind you everytime because I am done with it."

Stepping back I rush towards the door but he pins me on the door. Trying to escape from his clutches I wriggle around, "Taehyung ! Leave me."

"Never." He whispers in my ears.

"What are you doing ?" I hiss at him angrily.

Instead of answering me he just smashes his lips on mine making me whimper. Years of not feeling such close intimacy made this simple touch of lips feel like I am on fire. I didn't have the strength to pull away because somewhere inside me , I know that I craved this. He kisses slowly and languidly, taking his time in devouring me. Breaking the kiss only when we both were out of breath, "I love you , Jagiya."

I squeezed my eyes shut. But Taehyung pecks my forehead so softly that I flashed my eyes open to see his face. He trails kisses on every inch of my face desperately, "It's not just Dowoon , Jagiya. It's you as well. I need you in my life as well. I wouldn't have had Dowoon if it weren't for you. So yes, I need you just as much."

Breathing out shakily I try to run away from his warm embrace but he cages me again. I glare at him but his face remains passive , only staring at me. His mouth again captures my lips then moving down to my neck as I jumped in pleasure. All of this felt so new and different, his touches were like electricity on my body.

"Taehyung." I whispered lowly.

Hands cast on his shoulders , mouth slightly parted with huffs of breath escaping from them as he sucked on my neck fervently without a pause. He only hums as he hears me calling for him.

"No..." I mumble.

Taehyung doesn't stop infact he guides me to the bed without detaching his mouth from me and I fall on the bed , bouncing a little. He hovers over me with determined eyes , "I will make you feel good , Jagiya. I owe all my life to you. All of it. Just forgive me and accept my touches."

Our eyes meet and I stop breathing involuntarily. Taehyung moves closer to my face , his breaths hitting my face occasionally. I gulp down in anticipation as he stops at an inch of a gap, "Please."

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