Chapter 5

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The wedding happened in the next week with a few guests from his side of the family. I had no other family members than my mother and brother. My father was a single child so when he died all the relations from his side died along with him. My mother's side of the family all had passed away even before my brother was born.

"She came." I whispered.

Taehyung holds my hand "She is your mother. Of course she'd come."

Looking down at Taehyung I saw him smiling at me and I sighed "You talked to her , didn't you ?"

"Y/n I wa-"

Cutting him off I shook my head "You must have heard a lot of insults from her. Why did you do that ? Did you beg to her ? Tell me , did you ?"

Taehyung caress my hand "I didn't , Jagiya. I didn't have to. She wanted to come."

"Taehyung , why are you lying to me ?"

"Jagiya...." He mutters defeatedly.

In the meantime , my mother approaches us with an expressionless face. She gives us a gift box "Congratulations. Hope you both have a good married life."

Her tone somehow seemed mocking and that made me angry but Taehyung kept his hold on me. He smiles at my mother kindly and nods "Thank you."

With that my mother leaves.

"She is a mad woman."

It was my brother. He shakes Taehyung's hand "Welcome to the family. I am praying you can bear my stupid sister."

I playfully slapped his arm "Yaah. Who are you calling stupid ?"

Taehyung laughs merrily "Thanks for coming. It means a lot to us and especially to  your sister."

My brother hugs me and I almost cried at the familiar warmth. He pats my back gently before leaning back "Don't worry about mother. She can be a little shallow minded at times. I'm sure she'll come around. Even if she doesn't I am here for you."

I nod "Thank you."


Helping him out of the bathroom I make him sit on the bed while I dried his wet hair with a towel. He tugs me forward and I fall on his lap at the sudden impact.

"Taehyung!" I squeaked.

"Let me kiss you." He mutters in a deep husky voice and I shudder at the sound.

With careful stances he attach our lips together, slowly moving them on mine giving subtle licks in between. Clutching on his shoulders tightly I hummed when his tongue invaded my mouth.

His advances move down my chin , jaw and neck as I enjoyed his mouth on my skin shamelessly. I felt his hands squeeze my hips as I arched my back "Taehyung-ah..."

"Have you ever...? Can you ?" I stutter , breathing heavily as I glanced at him with half-lidded eyes.

"I don't know. I've never had sex , you know. Do you want to ? Only if you want." He asks cautiously and I melt at his sweetness.

"I would love to." I replied with the widest smile I could offer and he chuckles lightly at my response.

"But I can' know..." He trails off , eyes cast down.

I cupped his cheeks pressing a kiss on his forehead "I'll help you. I can always ride you."

His cheeks paints crimson at my words.

"You'll get tired and it's your first time too. I am sorry I can't-"

"Stop. Don't apologize for something that's not necessary. It's our special night and let's not ruin it." I nod to him and he smiles.

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