Chapter 10

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"Wonnie yaah ! Please finish your breakfast. Mommy has to go to work !"

I call out to my son who was somewhere in the house busy playing with his toys , paying no heed to my calls. Mr Kim chuckles at my helpless face "Don't worry , dear. I'll make him eat. You can go."

"Thank you so much , father." I smiled to him while packing my lunch quickly and proceeding to the living room with my bag.

"Woonie , you are here." I sigh looking at my son who rushes to hide behind my legs , his hands pointing to the door. Confused , I follow the direction of his pointed finger only to loose my breath.

Still in his uniform by the door all worn out was my husband , Taehyung. I swallowed harshly not able to remove my eyes from him. He had a thin dust of beard forming on his face making him older than his age while his physique was more broader but he was tired and spent. He tried to smile but I tore my gaze off him.

"Son." Mr Kim murmurs , unbelievably stunned.

Taehyung's eyes water as he walks forward and embraces his father who holds him tightly , tears of relief streaming down his face. Dowoon tugs at my pants "Who is that ?"

Because of his sturdy appearance Dowoon wasn't able to recognise his father. I caress his hairs bending down to him , cupping his face and whispered "That's your daddy."

Dowoon looked surprised. He again peeks at his father who was now moving away from the hug , face smudged in tears "Where is mother ?"

Mr Kim's face falls but he squeezes Taehyung's shoulder "She...she passed away years ago."

"Wh-what ?" Taehyung's voice cracks , face mirroring a horrifying look.

"She couldn't wait for you anymore , son."

Mr Kim hugs Taehyung again who falls limp in his father's hold. I pick Dowoon into my arms who was confused with everything happening. Mr Kim sees us and moves to face Taehyung again "Did you meet your son ?"

Taehyung sobs still in trance not coming out of the shock of his mother's death. Shaking my head to Mr Kim I walk out of the door to my house trying to sink down the news of my husband's shocking arrival. My brother frowns seeing me "Dowoon was supposed to be with Mr Kim today , right ? Or did I forget something ?"

Opening my mouth I tried to word out about Taehyung but I couldn't. Dowoon wriggles out of my arms to my brother who happily takes him. Dowoon jumps into his arms giggling wildly "Daddy come home !"

"Daddy ? What ?" My brother utters totally confused. Then he snaps his head at me in shock "He is back ?"

I slowly nod in affirmative. My brother hugs me close "Thank goodness. I hope he is doing okay."

"Mr Kim told him about his mother. He is devastated about the news. I walked away from there." I said , looking down guiltily.

"You are surprised as well. Don't feel bad. Give it sometime , yeah ?" Mr brother pats my back soothingly and I breathe out shakily.

"Mm...I have to go to the hospital. I am already late. Please can you look after Dowoon today ? Mr Kim will be alright. I've made lunch for him." I mutter quickly before hailing a cab and driving to the hospital in haste.


My whole body was shaking at the thought of going back home. I will have to face Taehyung again and I don't know what I am supposed to do about that. Mr Kim called me in the middle of the day asking about Dowoon and I told him he is with my brother.

Mr Kim informed me that Taehyung was doing better now and he is excited to meet his son. I said it'd be better if I was there and he agreed.

So now I picked Dowoon from my brother's house meeting my mother who passed a snide comment about me when she saw me. Waving my brother good night I stood infront of the house nervously. I ring the bell waiting for Mr Kim to open the door and when the door flew open it wasn't Mr Kim. It was Taehyung.

"Hey , welcome back home." Taehyung says , staring at me intently. I adjust Dowoon's hold on me who tucked his face in the crook of my neck sleeping soundly.

"I should be saying that to you." I whispered.

Taehyung moves aside to make space and I enter the house hearing the door lock behind me. Laying down Dowoon on the couch I stood up looking around for Mr Kim because we have dinner together.

"He is alseep. He was really tired." Taehyung said , eyes still on me and I nod. He then gazes down to Dowoon , his eyes swimming in adoration and love. He slowly comb his hair from his face "He grew up so big."

The scene made me feel jitters. Breathing out I went to the kitchen to eat my dinner so I could go and sleep. I didn't have the courage to talk to Taehyung , atleast for today. But I stopped moving when I heard a faint voice of Dowoon uttering "Mummy."

I rush back to the living room to see Dowoon curled up away from Taehyung who stood stunned at the rejection from his son. But I couldn't blame Dowoon , he is shy and nervous with strangers. His own father is a stranger to him now.

"Mummy." Dowoon again calls and runs to hug my legs hurriedly. I pat his head softly to calm him "What is it , Wonnie ?"

"I'm scared." Dowoon pouts tugging my hands to pick him up and I cradle him in my arms looking at Taehyung whose eyes had tears in them. He felt hurt on how his son wasn't comfortable with him.

"I'll put him to sleep." I announced for him to hear as I stalked to Dowoon's bedroom and laid him down on it. Dowoon looks at me with his sleepy eyes mumbling "Daddy doesn't look like photo."

"I know. He changed a bit." I pat him to sleep before going downstairs to have dinner. I was surprised to find Taehyung waiting there for me , he smiles at me "If you are okay , can we have dinner together ?"

Nodding curtly we settle down to have the food not uttering a word in between. I was feeling a tad bit of guilty on how horrible he must be feeling on his mother's death. So I slowly started a conversation.

"Are you okay now ?"

Taehyung snaps his head up probably surprised that I initiated the talk. He sighs heavily "I guess. My only regret is that I couldn't see her before she...."

I remained silent not saying anything back. He clears his throat timidly "Did she say anything about me before she died ?"

"She said she loves you." I uttered with a nod. Taehyung has a sad smile plastered on his face as he continued eating the food wordlessly.

"How was your mission ?" I asked lowly.

Taehyung gulps facing down "Are you not angry at me ?"

"Why would I be ? It is your duty and I simply can't hold you back. I knew it from the start , didn't I ?" I murmured back , standing up and washing the plate.

"I am sorry. I am sorry for every struggle you had to go through when I wasn't here. I had vowed to be with you but I didn't so I am sorry." Taehyung's voice wavers at the end and I clutched the scrub I used for washing the plate tightly.

"Aren't you sorry for yourself ? That you couldn't be here with your son. If you should be sorry to anyone it should be your son. He had to live without his father for years , the only thing he had close to a father was your photo." I sobbed softly not able to hold myself back.

Taehyung comes behind me , his hands wrapping on my waist while his head rested on the back of mine. His touch caused me shivers "Jagiya , I ne-"

"Don't. Don't say anything." I harshly voiced out. Taehyung tried tightening his hands on me but I removed myself from him "You can't just barge into our lives like this. Ever thought of how we will be feeling in your absence ? I don't have anything against you. I married you knowing everything and I'll never ever regret this. But I got used to living without you by my side for so long and I don't know how I can change that."

He helplessly stands there looking at me with regretful eyes. Hugging myself into a corner I glanced at him, "I am not regretting anything. I would never. But you have to understand me , what I went through. I know if you give me time I'd learn to love you again. So please."

"Forgive me please." Taehyung reaches out to me again but I rush out to Dowoon's room , locking the door after. Sliding down the door I cried out my heart with no one to console me.

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