Chapter 2

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Staring at my phone I finally gather the courage to message Taehyung. He had already send me a good morning message ages ago and I left him on seen being nervous for no reason at all. I contemplated on what to send him for a few more minutes before texting him back.

Taehyung ?

Oh hey. I thought you were busy when you weren't responding.

I am sorry. Are you free tomorrow ?


Can I take you out on a date ?

That was supposed to be my line :(
But sure I am ready to go on a date with you.

Great ! Be ready by 9:00 am tomorrow. We can go together from your house.

I will bring my car. Is that okay ?

Sure. So , see you tomorrow.

No. I'll see you today when you return back home.


Turning off my phone I blushed hard. How can he make me so flustered with just a text ? If this going to continue he will be the death of me.

When it was finally time to go back home my heart was racing inside my rib cage. As I strolled by his house my face washed in sadness because I didn't find him anywhere.

Clutching on my bag I walk faster to my house so that I could peek into his house through my window.

"Y/n !"

Hearing his voice I halt my steps to look at him. He smiles at me "I was running late actually. Had to go the city for some work and I thought I'd be back quickly."

"Oh it's okay." I said grinning at his words.

"How was your day ?" He asks. His face was adorned with a huge smile which automatically made me smile too.

" was good. The same old you know. How about you ? Did you finish your work ?"

Taehyung shoves his hands inside his pant pockets with a sigh "Actually I got a message from the camp."

My breath hitched. Is he going to go back already ?

"My leave got cut short because they need me there. But they have promised me I'd get my next vacation as a compensation to this soon. If that's the case then we can get married the next time I come , I mean only if you are ready of course. I'll be able to spend more time with you too." Taehyung explains , his cheekbones flushed red.

"When do you have to leave ?" My voice came out low.

"In two days." He answers and I nod.

"So is our date still on for tomorrow ?"

"Yes , of course. I'll come by at 9." I said nodding my head and he chuckles.


"Taehyung ! Be careful." I exclaimed as he tried to balance himself on the ice with his skates which was not working out well.

Yes , I planned a date for us. It was ice skating , yes but I didn't know that he couldn't skate. So I was skating behind him while he tried to learn it.

"This isn't working for me , Y/n." He utters flapping his hands to gain balance but eventually falling down. I help him up with a giggle "I can see that."

He shakes his head trying again and we had a good time skating around , well he tried. After that we went to a cafe "I'll have latte and veg sandwich."

"Get me some milk tea with toast and omelette." He orders.

"Taehyung , I am sorry that I took you there. I really didn't know." I looked at him with a sad face. He immediately holds my hand in a comforting way "No. There is nothing to be sorry about. I enjoyed even though my ass hurts after falling down so much."

I giggled and he laughed. All this was my dream which was happening right now and this makes me happy , genuinely happy.

"How long will it take before you come back ?"

Taehyung sighs taking a bite of his omelette and chewing it "Five months or so. I am sorry it is happening like this."

"Don't be. I am happy as long as we are together." I assure him and he smiles.

We then take a long walk at the park talking about random things getting to know each other better as time flew by. It was night by the time we reached home and he came to drop me by my door even though we live next door to each other.

"I had a wonderful time today. Thank you."

"No , thank you. You decided all of this and I am lucky I had time to spend with you. I really liked this." Taehyung utters genuinely.

"Good night then."

Taehyung hums staring at me intensely while I did the same not moving an inch. So when he leaned forward I didn't hesitate to come closer to him. He slowly but surely connects our lips together and I feel the electrifying sparks run through my body. It was sweet and full of love no rush or lust at all.

When he leans back my cheeks dust in pink which he stroked softly with his thumb. He pecks my lips one more time before whispering to me -"Good night."

He then walks back to his house as I entered mine with a stupid wide smile that I couldn't seem to wipe off.


Folding my arms across my chest I look at Taehyung loading his luggage into the taxi , his parents by his side. They were talking something making Taehyung laugh at that and I find myself smiling seeing that.

My mother went next to give him some homemade food which he takes after respectfully bowing. His eyes then rests on mine. Pushing myself off the fence of his house I walk towards him. Our parents move away to give us privacy.

"So I guess I will have to wait for five months to see you again." I said with a chuckle.

"I'll miss you , Y/n." He says firmly.

"Trust me , I'll miss you too. And call me something else rather than calling me Y/n like everyone else."- I pout to lighten the mood.

He chuckles lightly "How about Jagiya ?"

My heart skips a beat "W-what ?"

"Think about me because I'll being doing the same. As soon as I come back I am marrying you , Jagiya." Taehyung utters , pecking my forehead as our parents were there. My cheeks were adorned with pink hue as he winks at me.

"Be safe."

"You too." He smiles getting in the taxi.

I watched him going far with a clenching heart but I wave to him. Gulping down harshly I sigh softly "I can't wait to meet you again. Come back soon."

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