Chapter 11

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The next morning when I came downstairs to make breakfast I saw Taehyung busy in the kitchen with Mr Kim. They had already made the breakfast and was busy talking about something. I noticed how Taehyung doesn't need his crutches anymore. He is walking freely but with a little limp.

"Y/n dear."

Mr Kim smiles seeing me and I freeze sensing Taehyung's gaze on me.

"We made breakfast today as we both were up early. Come on dear , let's eat. Go and wake Dowoon up." Mr Kim said arranging the plates with food on the table.

Nodding I go to Dowoon's room to wake him up. Dowoon brushes his teeth sleepily as I prepared his clothes for the day. It was a holiday for him while I had to go to work , stuck with a night shift.

"Is daddy still here ?" Dowoon asks as I dress him up.

"Yes , Wonnie. Will it be okay if he joins us for breakfast ?" I ask him carefully.

"I guess. I am still shy." Dowoon pouts cutely.

"It's alright , Wonnie. You can start talking with him whenever you feel like. I will not force you but I am sure he misses you." I peck his hairs.

"But he never came to see me." Dowoon points out and I chuckle. Caressing his cheeks softly I sigh -"Wonnie , you remember me telling you how he is working in the army ? He keeps us safe. Not only us but the whole country. He was doing his duty for the country that's why he couldn't come meet you."

Dowoon holds my hand in response "Will he stay here from now ?"

"I don't know , Wonnie. Maybe he might have to go back again." I lead him to the dinning table where Taehyung and Mr Kim waited for us patiently.

"Good morning , Wonnie." Mr Kim ruffles his hair as he sits beside him. And I sit beside Taehyung who was surprised at the action but smiled before passing the food.

"Morning , Haraboji!" Dowoon chirps.

"Morning." Taehyung nods looking down. Mr Kim and I exchange glances worried about Dowoon's reaction but was surprised when Dowoon shyly mumbled -"Morning."

Taehyung was happy hearing that as he continued eating with more soul than before. Mr Kim just smiled in relief so did I because I never want Dowoon to be awkward with his own father forever.

"Do you have work , dear ?" Mr Kim asks.

"Yes , father. I have a night shift." I nod to him as I finished my breakfast.

"Will Drake pick you up ?" Mr Kim questions getting up from the table as he finished his breakfast.

It shouldn't feel awkward but it felt awkward when Taehyung's gaze lingered on me. I cleared my throat "Yes. He will pick me up."

"Who's...who's Drake ?" Taehyung stutters. He was probably hesitant on whether he can interfere in my life after everything.

"It's her colleague. He helped us a lot when you weren't here , son." Mr Kim pats Taehyung's shoulder before going out to the backyard.

"Are you done , Wonnie ?"

Dowoon nods "Yes mommy !"

He washes his plate and hand before following his grandfather outside leaving Taehyung and me inside alone. I quickly wash my plate and start clearing the table as Taehyung sipped his tea.

"Has he come here before ?"

I frown "Who ?"

"Drake." Taehyung raises his eyebrow.

I shrug mindlessly "Yeah. Quite a few times. We go out with Dowoon during the holidays sometimes."

I saw Taehyung's face crumple. After finishing my work I proceed to walk out but then halt my steps. Without looking back at him I fidget with my fingers mumbling -"He's just a friend."

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