Chapter 12

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Few weeks later
Taehyung's pov

Since I came here I always slept in the guest room not wanting to bother Y/n or Dowoon in anyway possible. I tried by best to not upset them. When I woke up today hearing Dowoon's laughs I went to the living room only to see Y/n's brother there.

He looks at me for sometime before bowing and saying "Glad you are back home."

"Thank you. I am glad too." I said sitting on the couch opposite to him. Y/n's brother gestured Dowoon to his room and Dowoon obliged without any hesitance. Dowoon steals a glance at me before running away.

"What actually happened ?" Y/n's brother asks , looking genuinely concerned.

"We had to complete a mission. Unfortunately , it took a long time to get it done. But we finally did it." I explain.

"Do you have to go back ?" He asks , sounding worried.

"No , I don't have to. They gave me a huge amount as my pay but I can if I want to."

"Is that so ?" He sighs.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Don't feel pressurized but have you talked to my sister ?" He smiles.

"Not yet."

We grow silent in the next few minutes. My father comes in with a smile "You are here ! No one told me. I was busy in the garden. Are you here to take Dowoon to the park ?"

"Yes uncle. Shall I take him ?" Y/n's brother stand up and I do as well.

"Can I come along ?" I ask carefully.

Y/n's brother smiles "Of course. He'd love to play with his father."

At the same time Dowoon comes running all ready to go , grabbing onto Y/n's brother's hand sneakily looking at me. Y/n's brother kneels down to Dowoon -"Would you like it if your father joins you ?"

Dowoon glances at me before nodding. I quickly change my clothes and follow them out the nearby park. Dowoon sits on the swing and I push him in a slow pace as he giggles in between. Then I helped him up the slide and played see-saw with him. All this time his eyes sparkle and lips curve upwards making me proud that I made him do that.

"Here." Dowoon murmurs , pointing at the icecream shop nearby and I frown confused.

Y/n's brother pats my shoulder "We usually have icecream after playing."

"Oh." I whispered before going and buying him the vanilla flavoured icecream which he yaps on happily.

"I really think I have to leave you guys by yourselves." Y/n's brother says , phone in his hand.

"What happened ?"

"I have to go and pick up my mother. I won't mind taking Dowoon with me but she can be really mean." Y/n's brother looks apologetic.

"It's okay. I'll take Dowoon home." I pat his shoulder reassuringly.

"Thank you."

Then it was just me and Dowoon. Dowoon shyly glances at me while eating the icecream and when he finishes I wipe his face with a tissue.

"Where did you go ?" He mumbles in a low voice.

My heart sores realising he's talking to me. I kneel down to the ground so that we could talk face to face while he sits on the bench. He meets my eyes.

"I had to go and serve the army. I am sorry I wasn't there for you."

My eyes tears up. Dowoon looks shocked as he wipes my face "Daddy don't cry."

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