Chapter 3

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I was having a bath when my phone started ringing loudly.  Scolding myself for being late I quickly dry myself with a towel and wear my clothes. But as I was about to reach the phone the call died. I whine in frustration , every alternate days Taehyung would call me at this time to talk and I messed it up today.

He can actually call me everyday but he has to call both his parents and me so I suggested the idea of calling us in alternate days. I was about to give up hope when the phone starts to ring again.

Hello ! I am sorry I was taking a bath.

No problem. I was a little bit sad that you didn't pick it up but at the same time I was worried too.

Don't be. Everything is fine here except that I miss you.

I do too , Jagiya. Every single time.

My heart picks up pace.

Are you eating well ? Did you get my courier the other day ?

Yes , I am eating well. And thank you for your present. Those shoes are really comfy and I love them.

I am glad. How is the weather there ? Is it too cold ? Make sure to drink something warm all the time I don't want you to get sick.

Hmm....Jagiya ?

Yeah ?

I wish I could see you now.

Just a month more then you can come back home to your parents and me. We can get married like you've wished as soon as possible. And didn't you say you will get extra holidays ?

Yes , Jagiya. We can spend lots of time together before I go back. Are you taking care of yourself well ?

I am , Taehyung. I just have a lot of night shifts coming up.

Night shifts ? How will you come back home alone ? It's dangerous you know. Should I ask someone to accompany you ?

No it's fine , Taehyung. My brother has night classes so he comes to pick me up after my shift. We come home together so don't worry.

That's good then. Tell your mother and brother that I said hi.

Will do. You need to sleep now , Taehyung. It's late already.

But I don't want to...

Come on. Go to sleep. Call me soon.

Okay. Bye Jagiya. Sleep well.

After he hung up the call I squealed jumping on my bed thinking about our talks again and again. He is such a sweetheart and I am lucky to have him all to myself. I hold onto the ring adorning my finger close and sigh in pure contentment.

The days passing by seemed too long for me and that left me frustrated all the time. Two weeks before Taehyung was supposed to come back he stopped contacting me and I was left baffled. So I asked about him to his parents who hesitantly said he is doing fine and is just busy with his work. They also informed me that he would only come home after another month and it pained me that he didn't inform me personally. Maybe he didn't want to disappoint me.

Keeping all the sadness to myself I nod to them before going back to ogle at our engagement pictures. I wanted him with me because I had been longing for him since a long time.

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