Chapter 9

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Springs came and went by without a pause. For others everything seemed normal but in my life everything was blank. My father-in-law was the only one who understood my misery , he stood right by me throughout it all. My brother. Of course , how could I ever forget him ? He did everything he could to make my life easier.

Years passed by us , still we got no news of Taehyung. Then it slowly stopped. We stopped trying to contact him because it was a failure every time we tried so. He stayed back as a memory for us. The whole neighbourhood made up rumours of his death or how I was an ill-omen everyone should stay away from.

"Mummy !" Dowoon called for me from his room.

"Yes , Wonnie ?"

"Mummy , look here !" He screams and gave me a notebook in which he wrote numbers. I kissed his forehead softly "You are so clever , Wonnie. Very good."

"Hyung said he'll take me out today. We are going to visit the zoo again." Dowoon blabbers , his eyes flicking around the kitchen as he was hungry.

"Wow , have a great time. Are you hungry ?"

Dowoon nods immediately. I chuckle "Go sit then. And please call your Haraboji too."

"Yes , mummy." He says , running off to find his grandfather outside the house , near the garden.

Dowoon grew up so fast that it felt like a blink of the eye. He is already six years old with a very energetic vibe attracting everyone around him but at the same time he is really shy with strangers.

The door bell broke me off my trance. I quickly set up the lunch on the table as Mr Kim attended the door. Hearing muffled voices I frowned , that's  when Mr Kim called out to me "Y/n dear ! It's Drake. He is here to pick you up."

Walking to the living room I was greeted with Dowoon and Drake talking about some game. Clearing my throat I announced my presence to them "Hello."

"Hey , Y/n. We were just talking about the new game that released." Drake tickles Dowoon who laughs loudly.

"Did you eat lunch ? If not join us." I offered kindly as Dowoon ran to the kitchen as he was very hungry.

Mr Kim smiles at Drake "Yes , join us. It will be good to have some guest over."

"If you insist." Drake bows and follows us to the table where Dowoon was impatiently waiting for us.

"Fast !" Dowoon jumps on his chair and I had to hold him down.

The lunch set out to be more livelier with Drake who constantly joked around about his clumsiness. Mr Kim was very fond of Drake because he was a familiar face in our house now.

When Drake and I were getting ready to leave when my brother shows up with some chocolates for Dowoon who hugs him excitedly like always. My brother shakes hands with Drake "How are you ? Been quite sometime since I last saw you."

"Yeah. I had some important surgeries the whole month. Trust me it's a relief to be free after so long." Drake dramatically sighs.

"Is that so ? Why don't you both go out today then ? I and Mr Kim are here to look after Dowoon. It will be refreshing." My brother utters , his eyes glinting with a hidden motive which I understood.

Drake smiles "If Y/n agrees then yes. We can go."

"We'll see. Can you wait in the car ? I want to have a word with my brother." I stare at my brother accusingly and he looks away.

Drake nods before going out of the house with Dowoon following him. I glare at my brother "What are you trying to do ? You think this is a good idea ? Because it isn't."

My brother pulls at his hair frustrated "I don't understand what you want. It's been years , eonni ! Years. I don't think he is coming back. You shouldn't be stuck like this."

My eyes widen at his words. How can he spill all this in front of Mr Kim ? What will he think about me now ? He is the only family from my husband's side and I think of him as my own father.


I was cut off by Mr Kim "Y/n dear , I think he is right. You shouldn't be stuck in this. My son went for some mission despite us opposing it. And he still hasn't contacted us , has he ? I don't think you deserve this pain."

"What are you saying , father ?" Tears brim my eyelids as I tried holding them back.

"Drake is a good guy. He'll take care of you and Dowoon. He is so good with Dowoon and loves him so much. And if I am not wrong he likes you a lot too. He has been with us all these years." Mr Kim pats my head lovingly.

" No ! You can't say this. I am married to your son , father! Your own son. I love him ! With all my heart. Just because he left me doesn't mean I'll do the same to him. He has to do his duty. For his country. He is so passionate about his country. He left us for our country , father. I will always be proud of him for that." I shake my head as tears dropped down my face continuously non-stop.

"I know. I know he left us. I am angry at him for that. Maybe I'll never forgive him for that. He did us wrong , yes. But replacing him is never on my mind , never will. I married him knowing all the complications and I won't ever complain about anything. I just miss him. If he ever comes back I don't know if I can love him like I used to because he seems really far now. I don't know how to love him anymore. But I won't ever be with someone else." Holding my head high I glanced at both Mr Kim and my brother for one last time before exiting the house.


"Drake ?"

"Hmm" He hums sipping on his coffee.

We both came to a cafe after our shift to get some air as Drake quoted. Sitting face to face with him I bit my lip nervously imagining what if he really likes me ? What is everyone talking about ? Giving another man a chance when I am still very married to Taehyung ?

"Y/n ?" He brings me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah. I want to ask you something. Please be honest with me." I stare at him with vulnerable eyes.

"Of course." He nods.

"Do you like me ?" I asked tilting my head a little in the process. Drake seems taken aback by that but he clears his throat timidly before looking at me "Y/n.....why suddenly ?"

"Just answer. I want to know."

He plays with his mug for sometime as I waited for his answer anxiously. He finally breathes out "No. I don't."

I sigh in relief "Thank god."

"Why ? Am I that bad of a choice ?" He frowns.

"What ? No. It's just I didn't want you to have something for me that I can't reciprocate. I don't want to break your heart."

"Hmm...I did like you in the start , you know. I wanted to confess to you for a long time but I stopped myself because you were going through a rough patch. But then I slowly realised it was just a mere attraction and nothing else." He smiles warmly and I hold his hand.

"You are an amazing friend." I pat his hand.

"Tell me something I don't know!" Drake jokes wriggling his eyebrows comically making me laugh. For that mere second I felt free from my burdens and worries. I just let loose and laughed which I hadn't in a long time.

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