Chapter 6

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"Why ? Are you worried about the money ? If yes , then don't. You are getting lots of money from the army , no ?" My mother frowns at me.

"It's not about the money. It's my sense of affection to my country." I calmly reply with my father and Y/n sitting beside me.

Y/n stays silent , after serving tea for everyone she caress my back mouthing 'patience' and I stare at her. How did I end up so lucky ?

"I don't think you should go. Especially now since Y/n is pregnant and needs assistance all the time." My mother shakes her head as a 'no'.

"If this is about me then don't worry. I'll be totally okay. Why would I need to worry when you both are here with me ?" Y/n smiles to my parents widely.

"Y/n dear -"

Y/n cuts off my mother "I am sorry for cutting you off. But I am sure this won't affect me. It's his happiness that matters to me and if that's what makes him happy then so be it. I knew about all this before getting married only. I am prepared." Y/n nods with a determined face.

"If Y/n is okay then you can go." My father tells.

"But...he won't be comfortable there. Who will give him his food and medicines on time everyday ?" My mother worriedly says.

"He is a grown man. He can handle himself. Don't worry." My father said looking at me then hugging me after.

My mother also looks at me sadly before engulfing me in bear hug. Both my parents leave to attend the door when the bell rings. I turn to Y/n who pecks my lips sneakily with a huge grin "You can go now."

Staring at her face a sense of guilt passed through me when I thought about how I have to leave her alone. I had a message from my friend three months back informing me about an available position in the camp and that the chief was ready to give it to me.

I grabbed onto the opportunity and told about it to Y/n who readily agreed. She didn't even hesitate before saying how I should definitely go.

Pulling her into a hug I sighed "Thank you. You are amazing , Jagiya. So sweet and kind. I am honoured to have you as my wife."

Y/n chuckles "Okay. Now leave me , I need to help in cooking the dinner."


Within a month I was all equipped with going back to the camp. Y/n had helped me in packing everything and throughout she reminded me of my meds and food that I need to have. I knew it will take a lot of time before I come back to her again so I spend a lot of time with her and my parents.

I was sad thinking how I probably won't be there when the baby will be born. But I made all the arrangements for her to reach the hospital safely now that I won't be there for her.

"Take care of yourself." My mother says , pecking my head lovingly.

"Don't overwork , okay ?" My father sternly nods and I chuckle with a small 'yes'.

Y/n hugs me tightly "Stay safe. I love you."

"I love you too." I peck her forehead.

She takes my hand and rests it on her stomach. I caress her stomach gently before hugging her again "Be strong for our child. I will try to be back soon."

Y/n doesn't say anything. Just smiles and waves as I disappear from her sight. Deep inside I knew how much she was going to have difficulties especially now that she is carrying our baby. I put away all those thoughts aside and focused on how things will turn positive soon.


Y/n's pov

Clutching my aching stomach I proceed to pick up my phone and call Taehyung's parents as I was sure I about to go into the labour. I finally call them and they rush to my room , helping me to the car.

My mind was running on several thoughts. On how my mother didn't come to see me even once or how Taehyung was not going to be there when the baby comes. It has been 5 months since he went to the camp and since we last saw eachother. He calls me everyday asking me about every little things and that was enough for me.

I don't know what happened but in a few hours I was holding a baby boy in my arms and feeding him. Time passed by in a blur as Taehyung's parents informed the good news to Taehyung and my family. My brother rushed to the hospital immediately with an excuse of how my mother was unwell to travel.

But I know that wasn't the case at all. But Taehyung had made me promise to him that I'll not be rude to her even though she insults him at every given occasion.

"What are you going to name him ?" My brother asks looking at the baby in adoration.

"Dowoon. Kim Dowoon." The ends of my mouth curls up with a content heart. The baby sleeping peacefully in my embrace and I rest my head back on the bed.

"Perfect." Taehyung's mother cooed , caressing Dowoon's cheek feebly with care. Taehyung's father patted my head with a small smile "You did well."

"Did anyone inform , Taehyung hyung ? Is he coming ?" My brother questions glancing at me.

"Yes. He will be here in a week." Taehyung's father nods.

"He will ? That's amazing." I preen with a grin.

"I know you miss him dearly." Taehyung's mother caress my head with eyes full of love. She was the only reason I never missed a mother's love.

"Can I talk to him ?" I ask desperately and his parents laugh at my impatience. They nod to me lovingly then pass me the phone next after dialing his number. We all were praying that he picks up the phone because most of the time he can't approach the phone until it's his break time.

Hello ?

Jagiya....I love you.

I heard his voice break and my eyes filled up with tears. I felt bad that he wasn't here instead he was far away from us doing his job and missing us terribly.

I love you too. It's a boy...

Who does he look like ? Is it you ?

Hmm...He looks like us.

I am coming home soon , Jagiya. Wait for me ?

Nothing would stop me.

I heard his chuckle from the background. I am sure he is desperate to come back home and see the baby.

Name ?

Kim Dowoon.

Taehyung doesn't say anything for a minute.  And when he speaks it's accompanied by a  supressed sob.

The name my grandparents were supposed to name me ? Jagiya , I can't tell you how much thankful I am to have you. You are amazing , Jagiya.

Anything for you.

Take rest , Jagiya. I can't wait to see you both.


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