Chapter 1

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7:15 am
Houston Texas

"Beyoncé you moved out how much years ago why the hell do I see you almost every morning I can't go a day without seeing your ass man" solange said.

"Shut the fuck up your gonna be 30 still living in mama and daddy" I said

"And is" she said and I looked at her like she's dump oh wait she is.

"That's a fucking shame" I shake my head.

"Ain't you have somewhere to be" oh shit I have to get to work it's my first day lord I'm gonna get fired oh wait no I'm not.

"Girl be gone" I said getting up and go out in my car and head to work.

At Texas Southern University

I pulled up into the school yard and park in the teachers parking area and get out. I head in the school and went to the principal office and walk straight into the principal office.

"Mama your baby is in the building" I said.

"Beyoncé get in the office and shut the fuck up" she said and I did just that.

"I know you don't love me but if all good" I said sitting in the chair in front of her desk "what's on my schedule."

"Well you know your the basketball coach also I want you to be the guidance counselor" she said and I looked at her like she has two head.

"Miss ma'am who am I going to guide and I need guidance for myself."

"Beyoncé you know what get out my office I have work to do and so do you here is all you need to know" she said handing me a file.

I walk out my mama office and went to mine and sit down and went over all the names and what i need to know.

Basketball practice.........

I walk in the gym "Good afternoon ladies I'm your new coach Ms.Knowles."

"Good afternoon coach Knowles" they all said.

"Okay I'm going to ask you guys to introduce your self and something about you" a few of them introduce them self until kelly fine ass Bestfriend started talking.

"Hi my name is Onika Minaj I love basketball" she said

Then Kelly ass start talking and I said "girl I don't wanna know nothing about you" and everyone laugh "I'm just joking go a head."

"You just know how to kill the vibes don't you anyways, my name is Kelly Rowland, and that's my long neck cousin." She said pointing at me.

"I don't know you" and everybody laugh and I laugh and kissed at her. "Next"

"Mi name shenseea, and mi come from jamaica" the girl said next to Kelly said. And then the a few more people introduce them self.

"Okay since y'all finish introducing your self let's get to work." I said. "Let's do some stretches and then get down to the real work, who want to lead the stretch." i said and some girl I don't remember her name put up her hand "okay so do your thing."

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