Chapter 5

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Huston Texas

"So how was your day?" I asked onika as we walked in the park eating ice cream.

"It was boring as hell, how about your day I know it was a day." She said and I rolled my eyes because I know what she was referring to.

"I'm still gonna kick her in the back when I see her, anyway let's play truth or dare."


"Okay truth or dare." She pick truth.

"So boring for that but, what's your dream location."

"Well my dream location is fiji, your turn." That's nice


"I dare you to go over to that lady and get her number." She said pointing to a short girl sitting on a bench and I said bet.

I walked over to her a tapped her should and she turn around and I instantly start looking around I spot who I was looking for and took off running to her.

"Run baby" Lauren said

Soso was running but she wasn't fast enough and her ass got tired when she stop I didn't give her time to take a deep breath I kicked her in the fucking back and she fell in the grass.

"I told you I was going to fucking kick you in the back and you know I keep promises." I said stopping beside her.

I grabbed her by the back of the neck "you're okay?"

"Other than my fucking back and belly hurting yes, why you had to kick me so hard."

"You're lucky I didn't fly kick you."

"Why you didn't just ask me to borrow the car to bring out Lauren?"

"I liked the rush of stealing your car."

"Then you wonder why I say your stupid, come on get up." I helped her up and I saw onika and Lauren coming over to me. "You knew it was Lauren didn't you."

"Yep! I just wanted to see if you were going to kick her for real I didn't believe you."

"I thought I saw my great grandmother when I hit the grass." Soso said and Lauren and Nicki laughed.

"Bey why you had to do my baby like that."

"Lauren do say nothing to me because I called you and you didn't answer, we ain't cool right now."

"So told me not to answer you and I asked her why she just said not to answer anybody this day is about us and she took my phone."

"Well your goofy girlfriend took my car without my permission."

"Soso seriously." Laur said

"Baby you haven't asked me if I'm okay and your worried about that I should have known you did care about me."

Laur sighed "come here you big baby" and she went to her.

"Solange have my car at my house by 11 or else im-" she cut me off.

"Your gonna kick me in the back yeah yeah I know, whatever man."

"You better know anyways enjoy the rest of your night."

"Wait what you and onika doing here together."

"I almost said some messed up shit and to say I'm sorry I took her to ice cream." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Mhmmm you like her?" She whispered.

"Nope, she cool though."

"Yeah that's what your saying now."

"Man get out my face and go spend your time wisely with my car and if a see a scratch or dent in it trust me hunny I'm doing more than kick you in the back." I said looking in her eyes.

"Sometime I wonder where mama get you from."

"Same place you came from, love you see you later:" I started walking off

"Love you too" and on ima and laur said bye.

"Now where we're we" we got right back into the game and I had Fun like some real fun.


I put up to where she lived and turn and looked at her and she was already looking at me.

"I-" we said at the same time and laugh I told her to talk first.

"We acting like we're in a moving and shit, but I had a really great time, it's first time anybody took me for ice cream and a walk in the park thanks."

"Really it you first it damn, we can make this like a friend thing we go out and try new thing talk you haven't done or me."

"That would be dope I'm done."

"Okay we can set something for next week"

"That's fine" we continue talking for a bit and then she told me that she was getting sleepy and she got out the car walking to her door.

"Hey onika."


"I still don't like you but I had fun,see you soon garden gnome." I said laughing and she showed me middle finger.

"Yeah laugh it up, you shoulder be talking with them satellite on the side of your face I know if I whisper you hear that shit." I mugged her.

"Ain't you tired go in your house" she started laughing and went inside and I pulled off.

That was cold.....

When I pulled up to my house it was 10:30 I saw my car there and when I got out my other car and made my way to my Ferrari I saw Solange and Lauren making out in it.

I went over and open solange door "y'all get out my car now please go in the house or some shit, y'all try to scar my baby like that."

"Bey can we sleep over."


"We will be ou-, ohh you said yes." And she told Lauren to come on and got out the car.

"Baby I'm gonna get you wash tomorrow, I know they tried to corrupt you." I said to my car I got a text from onika asking if I'm home and I told her yes........

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