Chapter 15

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1 month later at school.

"Alright listen up ladies, so we're doing workout today, with that being said I need four laps around the field, 10 burpees, 20 squats, 1 minute of battle rope and 1 minute of plank. Then we're going to do some passes and that's it for the day." I see Rihanna put up her hand.

"Go ahead fenty."

"Do we have to do then burpees?" I heard everybody agreeing with her.

"Do you want me to make it 30?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"No ma'am that's okay. Let's go team" she said running off.

I heard the gym door opened. "Minaj you're late."

"Sorry about that coach I was in the lab finishing up some work."

"Don't let it happen again." I told her what's on the agenda for practice and she groaned. " Minaj do you want me to double your sets get out on that field."

"I swear I hate you." She murmured.

"What was that." I said

"I know you heard me. fuck you, you over grown long neck bitch." She runs off after that I got something for her ass.

By the end of practice they all look like the were dying. "Alright ladies that's it for today enjoy the rest of your evening and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Minaj meet me in my office now." I heard uhhh around the gym.

I walked in my office waiting on her to come in my office. When she came through the door I was just looking at her.

"Are you just going to stare or say something I have other things to do so can you make this quick." And I just continue staring at her.

"Girrrrlll- you know what bye, cause I ain't got time for this when you want to talk call me back in your office."  She has been having this attitude out of no where.

"What's your problem?"

"What's my problem? What's yours why did you call me in here I have things to do."

"Imma tell you this you have been disrespectful as hell towards me for the pass two week onika and I'm going to need you to tone that shit down."

"Ain't nobody have a attitude with you, and with that being said and I go about my business." She said ringing her neck.

I got up and stand at the front of my desk and clasped my hands and cross my foot.

"Onika im going to tell you this one time and one time only. Stop playing with me like I'm one of the little girls or boys running behind or Imma show you something."

"You ain't go do-" I grabbed her neck so quick she didn't even finish saying what she was about to say.

"Look in my eyes." I said gripping her neck a little tighter but still ensuring she could breath. She looked into my eye. "Onika Tanya Minaj stop playing with me." I said spanking her three times and she moaned.

She was still looking in my eyes "do I make myself clear?"


"Okay get out my office now and go about your business like you said." I turned around before she could see how hard I am. Im hard as hell lords help me.

"I don't know who your tryna put in check bu-" I cut her off.

"Yeah okay keep it up then and see. Close my door on the way out" I said with my back turned I'm trying to get it to go down.

"Fuck you." I was about turn around and I heard my door close so fast I chuckled.

I pull my pants and shift my dick so it does look so obvious that I'm hard. I got behind my desk and finish up some work. I should be going over my moms house later for dinner.

I heard my phone pinged

World of head rih 🌎

: why nika looks so pale.

Me: I don't know ask her.

:did y'all fuck? 🫣

Me: nah. And even if we did
I wouldn't kiss and tell.I
might be dumb sometimes 
but not all the time.

: So what happened then?👀

Me: am I the the one who is pale?
Ask her why you texting asking
all type of question.

I know my mama is cooking so I need to hurry up and do all this work that I have to do then go over there. I started playing some music.

A tornado flew around my room before you came
Excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn't rain
In Southern California, much like Arizona
My eyes don't shed tears, but boy they pour when...
I'm thinking 'bout you (Ooh no, no, no)
I've been thinking 'bout you (You know, know, know)
I've been thinking 'bout you
Do you think about me still? Do ya, do ya?
Or do you not think so far ahead
Cause I been thinking bout forever, ooh
Or do you not think so far ahead
Cause I been thinking 'bout forever, ooh

I was in my own little world listening to music, then I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in." I pause the music.

I was shenseea and I sigh.

"Hey bey."

"What's up?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I just came in here to ask you something?"

"Okay what is it?"

"Okay I wanted to know if you could start my car for me its just not starting and I don't know why."

"Girl I am not a mechanic." I know a lot about car but stills.


I sighed. "Okay come on before I change my mind."

I might as well just go home after this so I just packed up my things I'll just put them in my car when we get outside.

When I got everything I locked my office and head outside.
After putting everything in my car I went to shenseea car and to see what's the problem.

After fixing the problem I close the hood of the car and dust off my hands.

"Thanks bey." She came to hug me and I pat her bag.

"You're welcome." I let her go and step back and she kissed my cheek.

"Girl don't do that shit with your ole musty ass mouth when last did you put a tooth brush in that mouth." I said using my shirt to wipe my face.

"Bey stop playing." She straight face me.

"Get away from me." I said laughing and walking away.

"I really don't like you Beyonce."

"The feelings very mutual." I said getting into my car.

When I pulled off I rolled down my window and said. "Bye lil musty." And laughed and she flicked me off.


I don't know anything about cars so bare with me.

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Sorry for any mistake

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