Chapter 9

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It's been a few hours and Beyoncé wasn't up as yet.
Mama Tina, soso, Kelly the whole squad was here and they ass know so much people should be in here but they did not give a damn.

"This bitch always getting her self in some shit, got me over here crying and shit and she ain't dead." Soso has been cussing because bey had her scared.

"Soso she good calm down." I said mama Tina didn't heard her and I know if she did she would have smack the shit out of her.

"Fuc-" talked too soon mama just smack her so har in the mouth.

"Solange I've been trying to let it slide because I understand how you feel but your pushing it down fucking play with me." Mama said.

"Yes ma'am." She said sounded like she wanted to cry.

"Lord I know I was bad but not this bad, it's dark down here." Beyoncé was murmuring to her self.

"Open your eyes stupid." Soso said.

"Damn, I thought I got finally go away from her." Bey said opening her eyes and close it back because the light was bright.

"And to think I was over here crying for you." Soso said.

"I didn't tell you to cry for me. If it was anybody I wouldn't mind but you I don't care." She said and open her hand for soso to come hug her.

I really don't understand them.

"Do scare me like that, your my protector." Soso said to her sounded like she wants to cry.

They are so weird they love each other but talk like they hate each other they are so confusing.

"I wouldn't leave you like that." She said hugging her.

"Bey what happened?" Mama said.

"For starters i was with this girl and starting to like like her but come to find out she married, that's not the crazy part she married to a cop a crazy one at that. He pop up at my house asking if I know and what not I said yes then told me he was her husband I was shocked. We talked a little I told him I was not messing with her he told me a little back story with them and then when he was about to leave, excuse my language mom then boom big hill shaped bitch stab talkin bout some I know your sleeping with her then he started beating me like a nigga on the street."

"Wow." I said.

"Beyoncé you better start do back ground checks on then chicks you find because Bebe something ain't right this is not the first time." Rihanna said.

"I want that man name and barge number." Mama Tina said.

"Mama you don't got to worry about it imma catch him outside he should have done a back ground check about." She said really calm but I know she was pissed.

The doctor came in and shake his head seeing everybody in here. "Okay so the stab was deep almost hitting your brachial artery thank god it didn't, so I'm going to wrap your shoulders and the bandage should be changed ever 12 hours, your upper arm the bone has a small crack in it so we are going to have to put your hand in a case. You can't use your hand much so your gonna need help." He said. 

"What about my ribs they hurt like hell?"

"I was just about to get to that you have a intercostal muscle strain which is an injury which affects the muscles between the ribs so it's not broken. But if you twist or move a lot you'll be in a lot of pain. So with that being said I'm going to put on your case and give you a prescription with some pills that will help with the pain."

When he was finish she looked at us and said "who is going to help me get around."

"Not it." Everybody said expect me and mama Tina and as I was about say it mama beat me to it.

"Damn bey that's sad not even mama wants to help you."

"She a pain in the ass and wants to babied all the time, good luck though onika." Mama said.

"Mama that's cold." Bey said.

"I don't care I'll come and check on you but I'm not staying at your house your not about to drive me insane." Mama said.

"Pause. What a minute, something ain't right. Roll that back for me stay where?" I know I didn't just hear properly.

"At her house onika. Are you having a slow moment." Soso said.

"I'll hit you soso. But anyways I didn't agree to any of this and I definitely not going to stay at her house."

"I'll pay you 400 weekly plus buy you anything you want while your there with me."

"That's all you had to say and you would have had me at the first sentence." I said shit how hard could it be.

"Okay thank you, So when can I get out?" Bey asked.

"Let me go ask I'll be back." Mama Tina said.

"She in for a rude awaking." I hear solange whispered and laugh I know she was talking to my sister.

"Solange shut your gay ass up." Beyoncé said.

"Ain't you-" she started to say and Beyoncé cut her off.

"I ain't ask you shit girl just shut the fuck up." And with that mama Tina hit her in the forehead with a pen.

"Dang mama! Why you got to do that." She said rubbing the spot.

"Cause you cussing like you don't got no home training."

"Mama I'm a adult."

"I don't give a shit."

"Ohh mama you just cursed." Solange said.

"Girl shut the fuck up." Mama Tina said.

"Mama you just slap-"Beyoncé said

"You shut up too I'm the adult." Mama Tina said.

"Yeah I know that's your favorite line as a parent." Beyoncé said.

"Anyways, this is your discard paper I'll sign them and then when the doctor comes in he'll say what he has to say and then you'll be able to leave." Mama Tina said.


Two days after

Why did the bitch have a bell in her house, every motherfucking minute she's shaking it once she up. I want to put her ass down permanently Damn it.

I got up and go walked to her room.

"Onika you did hear me shaking the bell?" Yeah I heard it, I want to shake your ass with it.

"Yeah I heard, what you want?" I said.

"Can you pass the remote." She said point at the remote at the end of the bed.

"First one it's one of your hand that's not working properly not two the both of them, secondly I know you're in pain but good god, thirdly both of your feet are working, fourthly I'm helping you I'm not your helper." I said walking out her room stupid bitch.

If did didn't ring that damn bell so much I wouldn't have to be so harsh with her but I'm about hit her with it.

"YOU DIDNT HAVE TO BE SO MEAN ABOUT IT." She shouted. Obviously I wasn't mean enough because your still talking to me.

Why did I agree to this shit I want to go home.

"IS IT TOO LATE TO ASK YOU TO MAKE ME SOMETHING TO EAT?" She said and I didn't say anything.

"PLEASE." She said again.

I got up to go make her a sandwich. She acting like the man crippled her.


Fuck my life.


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Sorry for the mistakes
Hope everyone is okay, if you ever feel alone just know your not I love y'all and stay safe. ❤️

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