Chapter 2

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Texas Southern University
12:15 pm

"Beyoncé why you look so funny looking" solange said to me.

"Want me to tell you what's funny looking your mama."

"Beyoncé we have the same mother."

"Ohh yeah, sometimes I forget that your not adopted, or are you" I said looking at her funny.

"I should be asking you that, out here looking like a giraffe."

"I'm a sexy giraffe." And she buss out laughing.

"You wish your ass was sexy, and who ever be telling your ass that is a liar because guess what?"she said still laughing and I didn't say nothing "your ass built like Melman." She said wheezing.

I wanted to laugh because that was actually funny but her ass don't need to know that. I got up and went over and hit her in the back. "Bit-"she got up ready to fight.

"You almost made me forget my name, why the fuck you hit like man"

"Your so dramatic I barely even hit you that hard."

"You know you hit me that hard, I almost thought I have asthma."

"Dumb fuck you fuck you do have asthma."

"Oh yeah imma tell mama on you." she said and they always wanna say I'm the slow one.

"Okay do it and see what happens." I said siting in my chair and went in my phone and found what I was looking for and turn the phone to her showing her.

"You evil bitch you wouldn't!" She said trying to grab my phone.

"I would try me." I laughed.

"You win this time, always remember there's going to be another time watch your back" she said taking up her things and getting out my office. I was scared a little bit because something was really wrong with that child.

I was on my phone for a good ten minutes when I saw my door open and toosii came in "what's up" he said coming over to hug me.

"Nothing I'm here chilling, guess who playing basketball?"

"Solange" I looked at him like he crazy.

"Nigga you know her ass lazy, but she can play but that's beside the point guess again."

"I don't know." He said scratching his head.

"Onika" I said and he looked shocked.

"Ain't she like 4'10." He said laughing and I laughed.

"No she's not 4'10 she's 5'3 and as she'd say put respect on that 3 thank you." I said trying to sound like her. "She's actually good though."

"That's dope I thought when they said she play basketball I thought it was like on the block or some shit."

"Me too, anyways why you paying me a visit."

"I wanted your help with something."

"What?" I sighed.

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