Chapter 12

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Her house

Beyoncé is my friends sister and my basketball coach,
Beyoncé is my friends sister and my basketball coach. I kept chanting in my head.

Lawd jesus that girl is fine asf. If I didn't have self worth I would let her fuck me to a pulse. And the fact that she could dance I know that waist is something dangerous damn.

Why couldn't she just be a chick that I was just cool with so I could just let her fuck me and drop her like a bad habit. I heard my phone ping.

Long Neck🦒:
Hey nic where you at could you do something for

I'm home. Sure, what's up?

:I'm hungry could you pick up something for me to eat?


"You put yo trust in a nigga Stupid hoe, how you figure...He won't fck yo best friend and ya sistaLie to ya, Then screw ya," I sing going in my room throwing my dirty clothes in the clothes hamper. I went in my bathroom to take a shower.

After I did my skin care routine and put on some clothes and packed a bag to go back at bey's house. I gather all my stuff and took up my car keys and made my way outside.

When I got in my car I went to Chick-fil-A and got some for bey and i to eat.

I pulled up to her house and got everything and went inside the house.




I put the food on the table and bring my bag to the room I'm staying in. I went back out and sit around the table and start eating and scroll on tiktok.

"Hey Nika. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

We just sat there and eat food in silent. After we finished we went to our room. I was tired so I was going to take a nap.

"Onika. Onika. Onika."


"Get up I want you to follow me to mamas house." Lauren said.

"Get solo to go with your I'm tired." I said turning on my side.

"Mama want to see us. She said that she text you and didn't get a response."

"Because I'm sleeping." I groaned turning on my side.

"Get yo ass up." She said hitting me in the back of my head.

I fly up so fast and punched her in the chest because what the fuck.


"Don't be putting your hands on me in my sleep are you dump." I mugged her.

"What if I had asthma?"

"Then you would have known not do some dumb shit like that to me."

"I fucking hate you."

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