Chapter 13

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Doctors office.

"Beyoncé Knowles?"

"Here" I get up going in the doctor office and onika followed behind me.

"So today we are going to be taking off your case. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good just want to get this over with and done."

"Okay then let's get started."

After about 30 minutes they finally finish everything. My hand feels numb.

"Alright so ms Knowles your ribs are healed, you are going to needs physiotherapy for your hand, because by the looks of it you can't use it much. We can start it next Monday if that's okay with you."

"That's fine. Doctor my hand feel numb, is that normal?" " I said.

"Yes it is your hand had been in one position for a few weeks and the blood was not circulating properly. So you're still going to need a little bit of help to do everything until you gain back the mobility in your hand."

"I'll be there to help her." Onika said and I smiled. "Is there anything I could do at home to help the process?" She ask.

"Ummm you could have her do small things with her hand, like taking up a bottle, holding a pencil etc I'm going to give you a list with things on it. Do you guys have any more question?" He was eye fucking onika.

"No." I said

"Okay, I go get everything for you so you can be on your way." He said getting up and walking out the door.

"You saw the way he was looking at you?" I asked.

"Like he wanted to eat me."

"That nigga wanted to do more than eat you."

"Well that's the most he would have been allowed to do. Get that bread then that head then leave peace out." She said putting up the peace sign.

I laugh "you're a clown."

"That's why this girls think they can play me. I'll make them sick by fucking their friends. Play with me if you want to."

"That's what I should do fuck Kim's friend."

"Nigga what?" She said and before I could answer the door open.

"Okay here's everything that you need. Have a good rest of your day ms.Knowles and Ms.?"


"Ms.Minaj, I wanted to asked if I could get your number?" This nigga is bold don't he see me standing here.

"Her nigga is crazy he kill people for fun and fuck nigga with gun." I said because it rhymes.

Onika bust out her little ugly laugh.

"Oh wow I'm sorry." The doctor said looking terrified.

"She's lying I'm s-" I cut her off.

"No I'm not, take the risk if you want to." I said taking the papers and pull nika out the room.

"Now Bey why would you do that. I could have gotten to fendi boots out that nigga and he wouldn't even get to fuck."

"Shut up I'll get you the fendi boots just find them and I'll pay for them."

"See this is why I fucks with you. It's giving suga mama vibes I love it here."

"Girl you couldn't stand me a minute ago."

"That's in the past we in the present now." She said unlocking the car and I went and open the drivers door for her to get in and close it once she get in.

I walked over to the other side and got sorted. After we pulled off we went to got food.

She payed for my food and I wanted to cry.

"Why you over there looking like somebody stole your bitch."

"You paid for my food."

"Okay?" She said looking at me weird.

"You wanna get married?"

"Girl what?" She laughed.

"You paid for my food."

"Girl that's not compared to half the shit you have done for me this is the least I could do for you."

"It does matter other than my mom, Kelly, soso and rih that buy me food willingly and knew what to order. After today we're married so if you cheat on me I'll kill you." I said to her.

"Beyoncé get the fuck on." She said laughing.

"I'm not playing" I said laughing.

When we got home soso and her back up singers were there.

"Guys psa me and onika got married." I said walking in the house.

"Beyoncé shut up."

"I serious she's my wife, so rih if you see her with another girl paying house let me know I'll pay you $100."

"Shit no problem."

"Wait, wait. Your serious?" Soso asked


"Yes" I said looking at her and she looked at me.

"Beyoncé stop acting delusional."

"Call it want you want." I said and start eating.

Later that day

"Bey come here." Onika said doing a come here motion with her hand, and I walked slowly to her lost in her eyes.

When I was in front of her she rested her hand on my neck and was looking into my eyes.

"You're so beautiful." I said

"So are you." She said and tipped on her toes and kiss me when I tell you I felt like time stopped. It was so slow, sensual and romantic.

She pulled away and pecked my lips. She start to run her hand over my body and stopped at my pant when I tell you I was hard as hell.

"Sit" she said. I did and just observed her.

She was about to pull my pant.

I- I wanted to scream who the fuck is waking me up.

"Bey get up." I heard and open my eyes only to shenseea over me I just close back my eyes. "Your dick is hard as hell."

"Stop looking at my dick and get out."

"I know you want me." I mean she beautiful but she's not my type and she try's too hard and I don't like that.

"I just have a strong feeling that your delusional."

"For you I am" I just get up and went to Onika's room and knock on her door and I heard a small come in.

When I get in her room I went to her bed and laid on her stomach I was about to go back to sleep.

"Girl get up." I snuggled her.

"I want to sleep and your friend is being annoying so I came in here. Please can I just sleep."

"Okay but quit with all the moving stay still."

"Otay. Thank you." I kissed her stomach and she shivered.


Until next time

Love y'all

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