Chapter 19

527 31 17

3:30 pm
Huston Texas

I'm talking my dumb ass to cvs because I rather fall down a flight of stairs than be pregnant now. I should have thought about pregnancy before I let her cum in me, it was just so good to even think about the consequences in the moment.

I don't know why I can't stop having sex with her it's doesn't feel like casual sex it feels like we're making love and I know one of us might end up having feelings.

I pulled up to cvs, parked and walked in. I went to get some snacks and went to look for a plan b.

"Plan B, Plan b, plan b, there you are bitch." I said when I found it.

"Nika." I heard Rih.

"Damn." What is this bitch doing here man. I turned around.

"You did not see me here." I said and run to go cash my stuff. I heard her laughing. I can't stand the her it's like she just be popping up everywhere like she always near.

"Thank you for shopping here, enjoy the rest of your day."

"No problem keep the change." I said

I went to my car and got in lock the doors and took a deep breath. I started the car and I saw Rihanna coming out cvs and I pulled off and when she saw me she started laughing I rolled down my window.

"Fuck you big head bitch,I hope the wind knock you over stupid." She flip me off laughing.

I wish there was a puddle there when I speed off because she would have to hate me today I would have splash her ass.

I heard my phone started ringing. I answered without looking at it. "What?"

I didn't hear anyone. "HELLO?"

"That how you answer your mama?"

"I'm sorry mommy I didn't know it was you. I didn't look at the phone when I answered im driving. What's up?"

"When are you coming to see me?"

"I probably come by later or tomorrow I kind have somethings to deal with." Today is Tuesday I probably go over there Thursday or Friday, I have a limp and I know her ass is gonna see it and start asking me questions.

I can't deal with that right now I don't even want nobody knowing im fucking bey or anybody at the moment I don't got a good track record when my partners.

So for now bey is probably gonna be a sneaky link whether she likes it or not I could care less. I know if I ask her for the dick I'm gonna get that no question asked. The dick is good can't even cap.

I just love feeling the way she-

"Onika tanya!!" I heard my mom said.

"Sorry mommy I was so focused on the road I didn't hear what you said." A damn lie.

"I said I want to see you and Lauren, I can't get a hold of that girl for shit. She doesn't know how to answer her phone like why have a phone." I crackled.

"Ma you know how that girl is when she and solo at it she don't be talking to anybody. Probably locked in her thinking the whole world is against her and sing rod wave."

"Oh lord, what happed now with them?"

"It's your daughter this time she upset with soso because got food for herself and not her and this was last week. Mind you so be there every night to sleep with her but she gets silent treatment."

"Your sister is just a dumb ass."

"that's your child." I said laughing.

"And that's your sister."

"Maaa let me tell you this part her dumb self is gonna ask soso yesterday if she doesn't love her anymore she should just tell her and finish the relationship."


"Yeah the soso said Lauren excuse my French mama, where the fuck you get that shit from girl. She gonna reply you haven't tried talking to me all day soso looked at her like the dumb ass she is and left haven't seen her since."

"Sometimes I wonder if your father dropped her when she was young because ain't no way she that stupid."

"Oooooo I'm telling my sister you said that about her."

"Girl fuck you and your stupid ass sister, both y'all can kiss my ass." She said and hang up.

"And I opp-" she really ain't had to do all of that she just love being extra.

I pulled up in my driveway. I realize that I'm the only one here I'm gonna take a shower and sleep. Ahh shit I for got to stop and buy food damn it. I took out my phone.

lil ye🩼🤍:



:I don't like the tone of your text...
:So let's do that again. 🤦🏾‍♀️

:Yes onika?

:Still needs a little work..
:But anyways can you buy food for me please hunny b.🥹

:What you're tryna eat onika

:That Jamaican food please jerk chicken with festivals.
:Thank you 😚


:If I wasn't asking you to do something for me I would answer.

:Girl go look something safe to do.

:We live for the thrill ain't nothing safe round here.

:I'll fuck your walking up more
than it already is stop playing with me.

:you ain't gonna do shit
:all that talking you do with
nothing to back it up.

:Okay onika keep the same
energy when I see you.

I got out the car and went in the house and straight to the shower. When I got out the shower I look for a tank top and shorts to throw on because I'm not coming back out of my room. Bey knows where is the spear key is.

I put on my clothes and got in my bed and turn on my tv I'm watching that's so raven. I can't really watch the new sitcom it's ass.

I love my old stuff. I was so in the show if I didn't look down on my phone I would know beyond texted me like 3 minutes ago. I was about to text her then I heard my door flinging open scream.

"What the fuck bey!!"

"Keep the same energy." She said coming up in my face licking her lips.

"Girl I'm hungry can I have my food please?" She got food and drink for the both of us.

I move over on my bed so that she can get in.

Hey y'all sorry for the long wait I've been working and I hate it there.

But I have to make that money. *scream silently.*

I hope everything is okay. I didn't proof read

I'm gonna work on a longer chapter I know this one is short.

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Love y'all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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