Chapter 6

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Texas Southern University
5:30 pm

"Okay so y'all can stop for the day training tomorrow at the same time don't be late or we are going to have a problem."

"Okay coach." They murmured.

"Yeah whatever, now get y'all ass out of my gym be gone." I said and they walked off and I head to my office.

I have some paper work to do and I want to get the fuck up out a here real soon so I hurried and look them over.

I want to stop by my mama house and get some food because I'm hungry as hell.

When I was almost finished with the paper my phone started to ring I didn't look at the screen because I was reading and answer.


"Coach I'm hungry." Onika said.

"Okay and girl why are you calling me about that?"

"Because I know you won't let me die."

"I don't know who keep tell you they lies."

"Bey don't be like that, you bust my ass in training my muscle are sore and I'm tired as shit." I smiled because I sure did.

"Ain't you have other friends to get you food why you got to call me."

"I do but as you know either they are in pain like me or out being grown."

"Oh so I'm the back up bitch then."

"If you want to put it let that."

"Onika what you want?"

"I'm going to text you my order and thank you."

"Okay I'm still at the school I have some more work to do so when I'm finished I get it for you."

"Okay byeeeeeee." And I told her bye and hang up.

About 10 minutes later I was finish with everything I check the time 6:50. I got up packed up all my stuff and close my office and went out to my car.

I went and got onika some food and drove to her place. When I pulled up I got out the car and went to her door and knocked on it.

She open the door and smile at the food in my hand.

"You know you can smile at me too I brought the food."

"I don't really like you."

"Then why you ask me to get you food then?"

"I couldn't get anybody else to get it for me so don't feel special."

"If I felt like being mean I would take this food and eat it."

"Just shut up and give me the food." She reached for the bag.

"Hear you ungrateful troll, you look like you really need it."

"I'm not even going to argue with, out here having all the talk and trouble me about my height when your walking with satellite on the side of your face I know if I whisper your going to hear it."  I hand her the food and walk off.

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